Spoilers ahead!
When I learned a few months ago that this season’s disaster would be a “little thing,” I had no idea what to expect. Maybe a few (more than usual) over-the-top emergencies, maybe something silly, maybe a series of larger and unrelated emergencies caused by bees. Yes, there was a version of each that happened.
But the part I didn’t see coming, and the best part, is that this disaster is mostly about revisiting the fundamental tragedy of Athena (Angela Bassett) and ultimately allowing her to move on. Just like the last story of season 7 is about Bobby (played by Peter Krause) facing Amir (played by Malcolm Jamal Warner), the person whose life was ruined by Bobby. As familiar with his past mistakes (as well as his childhood trauma), here Athena and Dennis are stuck. Bobby was a completely different person when Amir met him, seeking redemption and doing his best to make up for his past. Here, too, Dennis is becoming a better person. The redemption he seeks is directly tied to Athena’s greatest relief yet – the moment she finds inner peace. A plane crash caused by bees, and a human smuggler storyline, is exactly how they get to their destination.
“Last entry” – 9-1-1. Pictured: Angela Bassett as Athena. Photo: Kevin Estrada/ABC © 2024 Disney. all rights reserved.
LAX was no longer an option for landing after Athena discovered that no one could turn the plane anymore. On the way to the airport, Bobby finds a way to talk to his wife with the help of Maddie (Jennifer Love Hewitt). It’s a great moment; Bobby acts like a man capable of bringing Athena back to him safely. That’s exactly what he does, the impossible, Bobby, Buck (Oliver Stark) and Brad (Callum Blue) (whose names all begin with B – that’s True bee season) clearing Highway 110 so planes can land there.
There are a lot of good shots in these “clearing the freeway” shots; Buck on his motorcycle, shaking those red lights as planes fly overhead (at LAX, 118 other people watch the planes fly (their scenes were also beautifully shot), apparently Bobby was waiting on top of the plane. Calum Blue’s comedic charisma, Stark’s fiery performance, and Klaus’ passionate performance all combine to elevate this sequence, making it both tense and funny.
With the help of Jem (Carter Young), Athena manages to land the plane – and her conversation with Bobby at this point is so brilliant and convincing that it reminded me why they are the way they are this 9-1-1 couple. Since then, other fire stations (and Brad… A bit) helped the passengers off the plane, while Bobby and 118 helped Athena deal with the co-pilot’s situation, and a fire broke out after landing.

“Last entry” – 9-1-1. Pictured: Oliver Stark as Buck, Peter Cross as Bobby, and Callum Blue as Brad. Photo: Kevin Estrada/ABC © 2024 Disney. all rights reserved.
Then, it was time for the final scene. Lawyers are looking for Dennis, but not all of them have good intentions. Athena realizes that Dennis might be in danger, so she decides to take matters into her own hands, joining forces with Bobby and Dennis. They head to the Los Angeles International Airport parking lot to find a book that contains all the information on the people involved in the human traffickers’ scheme. As they discovered, Asst. U.S. Attorney Spencer (Sean Hermine) appears and reveals that he is one of the names in the book. The last episode gave me the impression that the U.S. Attorney was too weird, and I wasn’t entirely wrong; Spencer wanted the book, and when he shot Bobby in his direction, Dennis took the bullet for him and later used His makeshift knife defeated the lawyer.
The case is solved, the plane lands, (almost) everyone survives – now it’s time for Athena to breathe her biggest sigh of relief. It’s Dennis’ last moments in the hospital – he’s still recovering from the bullet, but he’ll survive – and after a thoughtful conversation, Athena gives him her blessing to accept the deal and be discharged early. Angela Bassett shines again with her usual stellar performance, backed by Plummer’s stellar performance. Finally, the episode ends with Gerald (Brian Thompson) returning to Team 118, who remains, to everyone, the worst boss ever…except for Buck, who is now “taken under his wing” Down,” which surprised him and everyone else.
comprehensive, final entry A great ending to the “bee-nado/plane crash” arc. To me, it feels like they upped their game this season and created an emergency that started out with a lighter, funnier tone but was also allowed to grow into a refreshingly unsettling Athena Story, and an engaging way Bobby and the other 118 people’s season begins.
Now tell me! what do you think final entry and the entire beewing arc.? What are your expectations for this season? Feel free to leave your impressions/theoretical comments and thank you for reading!