Gravitas Ventures has released the trailer for its upcoming road trip indie drama titled little brotherIt tells the story of two estranged brothers, Jack (Daniel Deemer) and Pete Duffy (Philip Ettinger), they embarked on a road trip together from Albuquerque to Seattle.
In the film, “Pete attempted suicide numerous times throughout his life, and his overbearing parents (JK Simmons and Polly Draper) recruited Jack to drive Pete from his home in New Mexico to Washington state for a family intervention.
“The brothers have a long and complicated history as uneasy friends and sworn rivals. The two are not just oil and water, but fire and gasoline. Both of them are crammed into a battered van. 1,400 miles traveled and nowhere to hide.
Sheridan O’Donnell This is his directorial debut and he explains: “I wrote the film to capture their warmth and humor and try to understand their mental health journeys, all of which I hope will connect deeply with the audience.”
little brother Now available to watch in select theaters and on VOD.