Reviewer Rating: 4.5/5.0
If you’re looking for a “feel fest,” look no further than 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 5 Episode 5.
We have some interesting cases; both major events resulted in tragedy, which was unbelievable to witness in some ways, but nonetheless, there were some highlights.
Carlos and TK were brought back to the forefront in “9-1-1: Lone Star,” and it was a sad topic for the two and Owen.
Ma Minglei
Owen enjoys doing side quests throughout the series.
Fortunately, his mission feels more grounded and real this season, and helps expand on other parts of his character that aren’t just superficial.
He still grieves deeply for the loss of his brother, and with it comes the grief of the brother he lost before him.
When he’s not obnoxious or obnoxious (and let’s be honest, he’s sometimes both), he’s a man with so much profound loss and sadness that it’s hard to imagine how he functions .
At his most vulnerable, Owen is a compelling character worth exploring.
It’s an example of how, while you grieve his loss, it still lingers and touches so many parts of his life and how he used it to save a troubled horse who was also in pain.
Irving is finally becoming a bit of a Cowboy, Judd is right, and Texas has been agreeing with him lately.
The Thunder Lasso moment is the cheesy fun you’ve come to expect from this series.
Irving’s connection to Thunder revisits his grief
However, the subsequent moment of attachment that Owen forms with the horse is touching because you can understand how he sees himself in Thunder.
He was also a difficult person to deal with at times, going through a lot of pain but still trying to face it on his own.
It’s heartbreaking to think that this injured horse mourning his owner in the middle of the highway (that moment definitely doesn’t trigger my allergies, no) might be transported somewhere and euthanized because it’s too difficult broken.
Owen had seen so many lives lost, and in true heroic fashion, he couldn’t bear the thought of the horse meeting such a tragic fate because it was inconvenient for others to deal with him.
It says a lot about how we tend to approach social problems that we’re unwilling to understand or solve.
Time is the most precious commodity, yet people are unable or unwilling to lend it when it matters most.
Did 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 5 Episode 5 Introduce a New Romance?
Thunder and his many triggers are fun to watch. How to browse all of them at the same time?
The people who take an interest in him, from the man who doesn’t seem to value animal life at all, to the “hippie” lady who quits at the first real challenge, to the sexy woman who wants a stud, all provide some humor .
But at the end of the day, we all know Irving is so connected to this horse that the Thunder will be his at some point.
The most unexpected thing is how they incorporated Marlene into it.
Frankly, I thought Judd would take Owen to his dad’s ranch and that would be fun and cute.
Also, we know nothing about Judd’s brothers, we’ve never met them, so I thought this might be an opportunity to give a nod to one of the characters.
But instead, we meet Marlene, the horse-riding, barrel-racing badass.
Owen’s new love may be Judd’s ex
As someone who took a long time to get used to Marlene and Wyatt’s presence in this series, I’m not going to lie and say I’m particularly excited about it.
Mainly because Marlene was the kind of fiery woman who would challenge Owen and put him in his place, and he had fun doing it.
There’s a chemistry there, isn’t there? I didn’t expect that?
One could predict that Owen would settle down towards the end of the show as a sort of closure to his part of the story.
If they did use Marlene to do this, it wouldn’t be surprising, but it would be very strange.
Elsewhere, the other Strand is also struggling in terms of his relationship, and how Carlos is letting his grief and quest to find his father’s killer consume him.
Time always feels like a myth, and it’s crazy to think that Talos is approaching their anniversary.
When they should feel the absolute closest, they feel more distant than ever.
Carlos and TK face first grade Bruce on 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 5 Episode 5
These types of normal relationship struggles and issues are real and still deserve attention.
Sometimes, many works treat couples as boring as soon as they meet, with nothing left to explore.
But both men have experienced loss, fear, and vulnerability, things they still grapple with even as a happy couple.
As far as TK is concerned, one of his strongest moments was when he had that emotional and sweet sit-down with Tommy.
This season has done a great job building on the dynamic between Tommy, TK, and Nancy.
TK and Tommy’s special relationship takes on new meaning
She became vital to them, so it felt worthwhile when TK came to her for advice about his marriage and how to work it out with Carlos.
He knew he couldn’t go to his mother again, but going to Tommy was just as comfortable, and it was enough to warm even the coldest of hearts.
Tommy’s advice is great, especially since she herself admits that she and Charles were facing something similar and she was the cause of it.
Because Tommy is in Carlos’s shoes, it helps TK better understand his husband’s perspective and how he can contribute to getting the results Carlos wants.
Carlos and TK found a good balance and proved they can overcome a lot
As frustrating as things are for TK, what Carlos needs to know most is that TK is still going to try and isn’t going anywhere.
Carlos, for his part, discussed things with Campbell, which was interesting because Campbell’s reaction was that of a guy.
Fortunately, the therapy process allowed Carlos to open up and realize how much he had hurt TK.
Carlos, my dear, falling asleep during sex is one of the worst marital sins!
What’s interesting is that Carlos can recognize that he’s done some damage by investing so much time trying to solve his father’s murder and getting nowhere, but he can’t bring himself to stop in the first place.
Self-awareness is half the battle, but it doesn’t matter how good you are if you can’t take extra steps to solve the problem. Otherwise, you’ll be stuck.
It’s frustrating to hear that Carlos has yet to find his father’s killer, as it was one of his motivations for becoming a Ranger.
Resting Carlos could benefit him in a number of ways and achieve what he wants
However, limiting the time he devotes to this isn’t just good for his marriage.
He must also be able to leave work and research for his own benefit.
Otherwise, he will burn out and possibly miss some key things by trying too hard. In the end, it backfired.
Talos’s ups and downs are really endearing in that they can both work on something, admit what they could have done better, and then put in the work and action to make things right, making their relationship correct.
They are now healthier than before, and it’s great to see a couple face conflicts and work through problems together.
Carlos’ case has a lot to do with his appreciation and treasure of time spent with the people he now cares about.
9-1-1: Lone Star’s drug case could be expanded to more episodes
That poor woman lost her sister and is constantly thinking about how she can be more in tune with her instead of putting all her energy into a job that doesn’t care about her at all and a project where they still make her revise everything .
She could never get her sister back, she lost her in a disturbing way to the worst drugs that the poor woman and all the other bus passengers smuggled in.
The only criticism of this drug case is that Carlos and Campbell closed the case quickly.
This feels like a case that might last an episode or two.
Over to you, Lone Star fanatics.
Will any progress be made in the murder case of Carlos’ father?
Do you think they’re hinting at an Irving/Marlene pairing?
Let’s take a listen and see.
Watch 9-1-1: Lone Star Online