Marvel’s secondary project is this project armored warfarewhich will tell the deeper story of James “Rowdy” Rhodes (aka War Machine), who has been a peripheral character in the Marvel Universe so far.
Four years ago, the project was announced as a Disney+ series, and two years ago, it was repurposed as a movie with a star cast Don Cheadle Been with it all.
Although as recently as last week, he said he didn’t know how the project was progressing.
movie screenwriter, Yasser LesterThe man who originally wrote the script for the series recently sat down with ComicBook to discuss his upcoming film Gutterhe and Isaiah Lesterand was asked where he stood armored warfare.
Lester commented on the project and its evolution, saying:
“I think Marvel has always been in a state of: ‘What’s the most interesting?’ And I… honestly think some of their movies should be series and some of their series should be movies. I think they’re in that right now Think more about this, think more about this.
On a technical level, Leicester claimed that there was no huge creative destruction caused by the transition. armored warfare From a TV series to a movie, “as long as they haven’t started filming, it’s like, who cares?” Still, Lester did admit, “I think the story I’m telling is a really interesting series.”
In my opinion, the biggest change is armored warfare The MCU project has been getting the movies to the meat of Colonel James Rhodes’ continuing story faster than the TV show’s long-form character study. He also hinted at the poor response to Marvel’s Disney+ series, e.g. secret invasion May also be a factor. He explained:
“Given that it’s like secret invasion – all these other things [like] Roddy’s story needs to fit into the larger universe, so having a faster version would allow him to get back into the story more quickly rather than musing on who the character is.
When both Yasir and Isaiah Lester were asked if they would direct the film armored warfare In the movie, Isaiah unabashedly says, “Of course. Absolutely. I will do it. I will do it. Yes,” but Yasir has an important caveat – the money has to be right. “You know, a lot of people say ‘yes’ or ‘don’t know,’ [about] ‘Are you going to direct a Marvel movie?’ We were like: Look, what is that? russell brothers Paid?
“Put me in a cave, Mavi, and pay me $50 million. I’ll do what you say,” Isaiah added.
But since Cheadle knew nothing about the plan, it didn’t look like there would be any progress in the short term. Hopefully we’ll get an update in the near future. are you looking forward to it armored warfare?