John Krasinski Set to star Jack Ryan The film is being developed by Amazon-MGM Studios. Krasinski played Ryan for four seasons of this wonderful show. The film will apparently continue the series, and if successful, may lead to more films.
Wendell Piercewho stars alongside Krasinski in the series, will also star with Michael Kelly resume his role in negotiations.
Andrew Bernstein, who served as executive producer and director on the second season of the Jack Ryan series, will direct from a script written by Aaron Rabin, who (Aaron Rabin) serves as co-executive producer and writer for the series’ fourth season.
I love Krasinski’s role as Jack Ryan, so I’m excited to see him return to the role, this time in a politically charged action film.
The film is produced by Paramount Pictures and Skydance. dancing in the sky David Allison and Dana Goldberg will be executive produced along with John Kelly and Carlton Kus.
Source: Deadline