this past 7 days is the most important part of pre-production. Out for seven days Starting with filming is where most of the pre-production takes place. why is that? The simple answer is deadlines.
The deadline forced the filmmakers to take action.
Sometimes, a week after filming ends, it seems like there’s still a ton of work to do. Sometimes 70% of pre-production is done. For filmmakers who are prone to procrastination, the biggest temptation is to delay filming.
Never do this. Always adhere to schedules and deadlines.
The reason is that every time it’s postponed, the cast and crew’s confidence disappears. Plus, when you get to your next scheduled shoot, you’ll again find that there’s still a lot of work to do. Then what? Is it going to be postponed again?
Every delay reduces confidence in the shoot.
Not only that, but you’ll feel terrible inside and start to lose faith in your ability to complete the film. .So what should you do? Go ahead. Out for seven days, mMake it happen.
If this is your first or second shoot and it’s a 4 day shoot, it would be a good idea to do just one day at the end of Week 1 This means you only have to organize it once The day of shooting initial. Once the first day starts, your confidence will explode and the rest of the shoot will go smoothly. The second weekend allows for 3 days of shooting.
procrastination A Xut is usually Signs of fear.
Just keep using our 7-day out and about checklist Filmmaking courses can be found here.
After 7 days, the film production team will typically find the following
- They have to finalize some locations
- They have to finalize some crew members
- They must make an appointment with a makeup artist
- They have to organize the set design and props.
- They have to figure out catering for the day of the shoot.
- They have to issue notices and check schedules
- They have to hold cast and crew meetings.
- location notes and shot lists,
- There is more. The list goes on and on.
this seven day checklist and how to do this, is Advanced pre-production in our Pre-production film courses. It may seem like a lot of work, but it’s fun work. If you have a full-time job, take a few days off before your shoot so you can focus
Believe it 100%. Any shoot requires a 7-day break to complete.
There is an old saying in show business. “It will be fine at night” This means no matter how difficult the rehearsal process may be. everything works magically somehow opening Show night. The same goes for buds. 7 days outready Make your movie happen. Once the shoot occurs, you will feels great.
If you want to learn filmmaking and make movies or improve your skills, check out Our filmmaking courses are here