Obliterated is a high-octane action-comedy series from the creators of Cobra Kai that tells the story of an elite special forces team who thwarts a deadly threat to Las Vegas. After their celebratory party, filled with booze, drugs, and sex, the team discovers that the bomb they deactivated was a fake. The now intoxicated team has to fight through their impairments, overcome their personal issues, find the real bomb, and save the world.
It stars Shelley Hennig, Nick Zano, C. Thomas Howell, Kimi Rutledge, Paola Lázaro, Terrence Terrell, Alyson Gorske, and Eugene Kim. Recurring cast members include Carl Lumbly, David Costabile, Lindsey Kraft, Costa Ronin, Tobias Jelinek, Minnie Mills, and Jason Mantzoukas.
Obliterated premieres globally on Netflix on November 30, 2023.
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