The Chronicles of Narnia Producer Cary Granat teams up with director David L Cunningham (this Pathfinder: Darkness is Rising, run for grace) and Oscar-winning visual effects artist Ed Jones (Who framed Roger Rabbit?, happy feet) exist at the beginningis a new faith-based family action-adventure film that seeks to tell the biblical creation story.
The film will use cutting-edge motion capture and hybrid CGI visual effects to transform the Genesis story, from the creation of the universe to the Garden of Eden, into an Imax-worthy cinematic event. Cunningham, the son of famed Christian missionary Loren Cunningham (founder of Youth Mission), wrote and directed at the beginning Produced with Walden Media founders Granat and Jones and Jonathan E. Lim (my penguin friend). City Hill Arts will serve as producer and financier of the film.
“For billions [the creation story] is a template for the origin of life, but it has never been told in the universal and powerful language of a major motion picture,” said the producer. at the beginning It will be a call to action to return to theaters and those who have lived through this experience, and will celebrate themes of gratitude and unity.
The filmmakers plan to combine the biblical creation stories common to the Jewish, Christian and Muslim religions with the latest astrophysics research, with both biblical fidelity and scientific accuracy.
“They have met with the Pope twice to discuss this project with him,” said David Garrett of Mister Smith Entertainment. “But they also consulted top astrophysicists at CERN so that what is depicted on screen will resemble what the Big Bang actually was. It won’t be the hand of God shaping trees and oceans.
Mr. Smith showed a 15-minute video presentation to AFM buyers in Las Vegas on Tuesday. They’re handling international sales and pitching the project as a PG-friendly, visually spectacular theatrical experience with appeal beyond the (already sizable) faith-based audience.
“It’s designed to appeal not only to evangelicals and Christians but across the board, even those who are non-believers,” Garrett said.
Faith-based movies have long gone mainstream, thanks to The Chronicles of Narnia Franchise and independent breakthroughs, e.g. soul surfer (2011), son of god (2014), and God is not dead Franchise.
this at the beginning Filmmakers have begun tapping faith groups and churches, including the Vatican, World Evangelical Alliance, Youth Mission and Our Daily Bread, to generate excitement and box-office revenue.
Currently in the pre-production stage, at the beginning Global release is planned for December 2026.