most People think that AI filmmaking is just a matter of clicking a button and having a movie appear on the other end.
Those people couldn’t be more wrong.
You need to put all your energy into normal digital filmmaking.
The only difference is that you’ll be able to accomplish things that were simply impossible to accomplish with tiny budgets, shorter time frames, and smaller teams before the advent of artificial intelligence.
It means putting work into your concept, which is why I developed a concept for a movie that I really wanted to see.
Many people ignore the storyand you don’t want to do that.
This project is called Mandela.
It’s about a secret organization using a mysterious machine to alter our timeline, leaving only memories of what happened after it happened.
This movie could be made into a feature film tomorrow if I wanted to. You don’t have to work that hard, but the more you like your story, the more successful the project is likely to be.