this A Nightmare on Elm Street The poster was created by artist Liza Shumska for Hero Complex Gallery and is titled “It’s Only a Dream”.
In the poster, Nancy falls asleep in her bedroom as she struggles to stay awake, and you can see the sinister shadow of Freddy Krueger looming over her, ready to strike.
If you would like to purchase a print copy, please click here. 24×26 printing costs $75.
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) Directed by Wes Craven, the story takes place in the quiet town of Springwood, Ohio, where a group of teenagers are haunted in their dreams by a burned, knife-glove-wearing killer named Freddy.
As they fall asleep, Freddy appears in their nightmares, using his powers to manipulate their dreams and fatally kill them, transporting them to the real world.
In the movie, Nancy discovers that Freddie was a child killer who was killed by his parents in a vigilante justice. Now, as Freddy seeks revenge on his killer’s children, Nancy must find a way to confront and survive Freddy’s deadly, surreal dreams.