Reviewer Rating: 4.7/5.0
Everyone deserves to have their voice heard. That’s why Dr. Wolff fought for John Doe (aka Roman) to have an experimental procedure.
Brilliant Minds Season 1 Episode 7 is a beautifully crafted exploration of Roman’s backstory and why his voice needs to be heard.
Almost every doctor and intern was affected by spending time with Roman and witnessed what an amazing person he was.

That’s why many of them struggled to meet one of Roman’s first requests.
The Man From Gronzy shows how to find your voice, believe in love, and fight for what you want before it’s too late.
Restoring Roman’s identity and voice is vital
Restoring Roman’s identity and voice is crucial. Since his injury, he has been bounced around from hospitals and long-term care facilities with incorrect diagnoses.
This is the first time we see Wolfe in the operating room, as he wants to watch Nichols operate on Roman.

Everyone is trying to create a device that will allow Roman to speak, and it will translate from Russian to English.
It’s heartbreaking that Simon and Wolfe’s mom is more concerned about hospital investments and politics than Roman’s personal health.
It took some time, but flashbacks revealed that Roman was working illegally in the United States, so when he was injured, he couldn’t see a doctor because he didn’t have asylum papers yet.
This worsened his injuries and triggered a stroke. No one paid much attention to him because no one cared about him until now.
Why did Roman come to America?
Wolf thinks finding Roman’s family will help him adjust better, but Roman avoids talking about why he came to America.

Dana finally got him to open up. That’s her gift. She makes others feel comfortable. She learns that he came here for love and makes it her mission to find that person.
When Roman reunites with Alex, Nichols realizes why Roman came to America. Homosexuality is illegal in Chechnya.
Nichols looked distressed when Dana confirmed that some of her cousins were persecuted there. He doesn’t want to be right, nor does he want people to suffer because of his choices.
You can tell from the way he looks at Wolfe before running out that his feelings for Wolfe are growing.
Alex seeks out Roman and wants a second chance, but Roman thinks Alex deserves a better life than taking care of patients.

It was so heartbreaking to see because they were so in love.
Roman’s request affected everyone, especially Wolf
No one expected that after they helped Roman regain his voice, he would want to die. But Roman thinks the doctors and interns at Bronx General Hospital are special.
He felt like they treated him as a human being. Wolfe saw him when no one else saw him. Jacob groomed him and shaved him off. They all cared about him, so he doubted they would help him.
Sometimes, it’s hard to forget that he doesn’t get better at communicating with everyone because they get him out of bed to talk to them.
It’s probably better than constantly looking at the computer, but one minute he looks fine and the next he’s back in a hospital bed.

Jacob and Wolf had the hardest time coming to terms with the fact that Roman wanted to give up after everything they’d done. However, Roman didn’t want to live in a hospital bed forever because of his stroke.
Now that he has his voice back, he wants to die with dignity.
Wolfe became a doctor to save people, in part because he couldn’t save his father. He doesn’t want to let others down, but Carol reminds him that not everyone wants to be saved.
It’s harsh, but it’s true, and Roman seems at peace with his choice.

No one can reason with Wolfe except Nichols, who reminds him that his power lies in getting his patients to see the world the way they want to see it.
Nichols: It was a tough decision for him to make. If we are good doctors, we will respect it.
This was crucial for the two men, and Nichols comforted and encouraged him. So far, they understand each other.
Roman’s decision prompts Wolfe and Nikos to reexamine their lives
We finally get what Wolfe and Nichols asked for, as they re-evaluate their life goals.
I’ve always loved couples who come together through tragic moments, which often forces them to question their purpose in life.
Roman saw many instances of Nikos looking at Wolfe and the deep respect they expressed. Wolfe initially brushed it off when he first commented that the two make a good team, but seeing Nichols touch his shoulder and encourage him got him thinking.

There are a lot of similarities between Roman and Alex and Wolfe and Nichols. They both feel like forbidden lovers, with Wolfe commenting on the star-crossed lovers as forbidden lovers who are still connected at heart.
There was something special about having Roman die at Wolfe’s home instead of a hospital, and having everyone rally around him. It highlights Wolfe’s compassion and allows everyone to grieve together.
Even though Wolfe was scared, he kept hearing Roman’s voice telling him to jump.
He had realized Roman’s dream, and instead of Roman running down the street to Alex, it was Wolfe leaping up and running to Nichols.
Although the kiss caught them off guard, it was still hot. We can’t wait to see where they go.

Over to you, bright-minded fanatic. Are you surprised by Roman’s decision? Are you excited about the next steps Wolfe and Nichols take?
Let us know in the comments.
Check back tomorrow for our exclusive interview with Teddy Sears. He will discuss the episode, including the long-awaited kiss.
Brilliant Minds airs Mondays on NBC at 10/9c and next on Peacock.
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