In a conversation with SpoilerTV, Morgan Cohan, who plays Maggie on Sullivan’s Crossing, delved into her character’s transformational journey in the show’s latest season. The show aired on CTV in Canada and The CW in the United States, quickly gaining fans in both countries. Featuring themes of redemption, reconciliation, and the ripple effects of trauma, Sullivan’s Crossing captures a rare balance between hardship and hope.
When discussing her character, Cohan said Maggie’s journey – her search for identity and meaning – was an important draw for her. “We’re all just trying to figure out who we are and what we want out of life and the people around us. That’s me. That’s my friend,” Cohan said. The way she shows Maggie’s emotional turmoil is equally sincere. She spent time talking to coaches and recording Maggie’s hidden thoughts, “filling in the gaps” and creating the intricate portrait that fans know and love.
Season 2 will test Maggie more than ever. Cohan hinted at Maggie’s importance, saying, “Season two is going to be a heavy season for her.” With each episode, Maggie’s struggles increase, leaving viewers wondering if she’ll ever catch a break. Cohan also talked about Maggie’s evolution since Season 1, noting that Maggie is learning to trust herself and think more carefully about whose advice she takes to heart.
One of the central themes of the show is Maggie’s complicated relationship with her father, Sully. While the two work to repair their broken relationship, Cohan explained that forgiveness cannot erase years of absence and unresolved pain, “I think it’s one of those things that you can forgive, but you don’t necessarily forget. Those things Those years of not talking, not feeling his presence, are still there, so I think she’s definitely trying to move forward, and I think we hope that for both of them, but you can’t change the past.
Sullivan Crossing. Pictured: Scott Patterson as Sully and Morgan Cohan as Maggie. Photo: Bell Media © 2024. all rights reserved. |
One of Maggie’s defining characteristics is her tendency to build walls, a survival mechanism that sometimes keeps people (including Carl) out. In a pivotal scene in season two, Carl confronts Maggie about these obstacles, a moment Cohan describes as “not easy to hear, especially from someone you care about.” This scene, and Maggie’s subsequent emotional breakdown, give viewers a glimpse into the depth of her struggle between self-preservation and vulnerability.
Sullivan Crossing. Pictured: Chad MacMurray as Carl and Morgan Cohan as Maggie. Photo: Bell Media © 2024. all rights reserved. |
Fans of the show know that “Sullivan’s Crossing” is never short of suspense, and Cohan admitted that she was just as shocked and excited as the audience when she read the new script. Without spoiling anything, she teases that episodes six and seven mark a turning point for Maggie, causing her path to change in a surprising direction. With only a few episodes left, the stakes are higher than ever. As for what Morgan can tease American fans about in the second half of the season, she responded: “I mean, the suspense isn’t going to stop. The cliffhangers in season two are crazy. [Episodes] I think age six and seven was a real turning point for Maggie in a lot of ways and completely changed her trajectory. So, that’s cool too.
Sullivan Crossing. Pictured: Morgan Cohan as Maggie. Photo: Bell Media © 2024. all rights reserved. |
As “Sullivan’s Crossing” continues, viewers can expect more twists, emotional shifts, and an ever-evolving Maggie who resonates with many people as they grapple with their own complexities. Cohan’s performance and dedication to the character guarantees a great ride for the rest of the season. Filled with gripping suspense, fans will no doubt be in for an unforgettable journey as they root for Maggie to find her own path, peace, and even love.
The sixth episode of Season 2 will air tonight at 8:00 ET/7:00 CT on The CW.
Please watch the entire interview via the link below: