Warner Bros. is developing multiple Middle-earth movie projects Lord of the Rings cinematic universe by Peter Jacksonmany familiar characters have the opportunity to appear again.
We know there are plans to bring Ian McKellenGandalf is back, and other potential characters include orlando bloom As Legolas, Elijah Wood Like Frodo, Viggo Mortensen As Aragorn, it’s even possible John Rhys Davies As Gimli.
Davis didn’t like the makeup process he had to go through in the original “Lord of the Rings” movies. It was so bad for him that he didn’t come back hobbit Movie because he didn’t want to wear makeup and prosthetics all day long.
If you didn’t know, this process can cause allergic reactions and make actors feel physically ill. So, if Rhys-Davies is asked to come back, he says he’ll do it, but on one condition…no makeup.
He explained to Collider: “If they invited me…oh my God, would I dare to do makeup again and take off my skin? Maybe with CGI. […] Times move on, technology moves on, and if I didn’t have to spend eight hours a day in the makeup chair for three years, I probably would.
Davis went on to say that clothing was also an issue, saying, “The other thing is my physical condition, I’m no longer able to put on 80 pounds of extra armor and stuff and go climb a mountain.”
We don’t know if there are plans to bring Gimli back, but the first movie to hit theaters is Gollum , directed by Andy Serkis. Beyond that, we don’t know what else is planned.
However, with Chasing Gollum occurs between the end hobbit trilogy and Fellowship of the RingGilmi is running in that universe and could be included if the creative team really wanted him to appear in the story.
Gollum did visit the Lonely Mountain at some point during his journey, so that will be where Gimli enters the story.
The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum Expected to arrive in 2026.