“Jade” tells the story of a woman who navigates a powerful businessman and a gang leader’s search for a hard drive that could harm Interpol’s operations. Despite grieving for the brother she accidentally killed, the woman needs to use her unique skills to restore her drive and protect her brother’s unborn child, who was being carried by another woman.
Credits: TheMovieDb.
Film actors:
- Jade: Shayna West
- Torque: Mickey Rourke
- Layla: Katherine McNamara
- Rees: Mark Dacascos
- Baynes: Marcus Aurelio
- Ortiz: Marcus Vincios Marcil
- Rodriguez: Chris Bruno
- Cash: Sean McNabb
- Keith: Keith Jardine
- Chavez: Steven Michael Quesada
- Emily: Emily Ellaville
- Logan: Matthew Liugia
Photography team:
- Producer: Samuel A. Levine
- Associate Producer: Sophie Rose Barry
- Producer: Roy Scott MacFarlane
- Story: Lynn Colyar
- Screenwriter: Glenn Ennis
- Stunts: Marcus Vincios Marcil
- Casting: James Bamford
- Stunts: Marcus Aurelio
- Executive Producer: Kimberly Hines
- Executive Producer: Alex Tumayan
- Stunts: Ed Duran
- Executive Producer: Gregory R. Schenz
- Art direction: No-e Gomez
- Executive Producer: Tanaz Anisi
- Director of Photography: Brett Juskalian
- Executive Producer: Nathan Klinger
- Executive Producer: Ike Waldhouse
- Photography: Colema Nichols
- Production Design: Stephen Aguila
- Executive Producer: Avi Haas
- Editor: Daniel Dinning
- Musical Director: Berneen Cereska
- Stunts: Nate Harris
Movie review: