Sony Pictures has unveiled a new film project from Godzilla minus one director Yamazaki Takashi Titled big gear. he will be with J.J. Abrams and Bad Robot Productions.
The film will mark Yamazaki’s first English-language film, but unfortunately, we don’t have any plot details to share with you.
As you might imagine, after success Godzilla minus oneEveryone in Hollywood wanted to do business with Yamasaki, and once word got out that his first English-language film was coming, studio bids poured in.
A number of factors came into play in Sony’s eventual victory, including the studio’s commitment to theatrical releases and Sony’s close ties to Japan through its parent company.
I love that Yamasaki is developing an original film project like this, and I’m excited to see what it turns out to be.
Yamazaki will also return to Toho to write and direct another project Godzilla movie, which is very exciting for all Godzilla fans.
Source: Deadline