In the remote countryside of Ilongo, various women were sexually abused by local men. Two sisters meet Simon, the most charismatic man in the village, and fight for him – one of the sisters is haunted by Catholic dogma due to previous abuse.
Credits: TheMovieDb.
Film actors:
- Salda: Salsi by Emmanuelle
- Tonya: Maria Isabel Lopez
- Mona: Myra Maniberg
- Simon Buffalo as Mark Joseph
- Miguel: Michael Locsin
- Thiago: Alvin Rogelio
- Glory: Jennylyn Gartbarit
- Also: Zabale
- Mayor #1: Jimmy Reyes
- Aling you: Gloria Andrade
- Mayor #2: Arthur Casanova
- Tonya’s grandmother: Chabeng Contreras
- Child #1: Cheriebee Santos
Photography team:
- Sound Engineer: Vic Macamay
- Director: Elwood Perez
- Screenwriter: Ricardo Lee
- Music: Lutgardo Labade
- Production Design: Aped Santos
- Executive Producer: Tian Weisen
- Art Director: Gerry Pascual
- Photography: Johnny Araujo
- Producer: Tian Weili
- Editor: Edgardo Venarao
- Associate Producer: Lucy T. Capuchon
Movie review: