an animation Ghostbusters The film was announced a few years ago and is being developed with Sony Animation, Jason Reitman and Gilkenan.
We’ve now learned that the movie will be streaming on Netflix, where the Ghostbusters animated series is also being produced. also announced Chris Pine (Cloudy with maybe meatballs 2) Attached is the director’s video.
Kenan previously shared some information about the film, saying: “This animated film will take us to places we’ve never been before.”
“We love these characters, and we’re excited to push the boundaries of what we think the Ghostbusters story is. We’ll keep the flame bright with all of these concepts, which will continue to evolve the Ghostbusters story.”
Reitman added: “The animated series and animated movie will allow us to take a deeper look at where Dan Aykroyd was talking about when he first talked about Ghostbusters”.
Plot details are still being kept under wraps, but it will be interesting to see how these animated projects explore the world of Ghostbusters.
Source: Deadline