Master the art of bending element strength
Release the original power Fire, water, earth and air With this comprehensive 9 GB sound library 3050 High -quality sound effect 630 document. Whether you are designing a movie landscape or enhancing video games Four elements Provide tools you need to use the energy of the natural world.
Architectural Kit-2443 Sound
The sound of organic and processing, including seamless cycle, is divided into Fire, water, air, earth and explode category. Select each detail through a large number of sound components.
- Organic fire: The scream of the bonfire, the torch Hosh and the flame burst.
- Processing fire: Twisted impact and unique cracks.
- Organically: The rock crashed, the gravel scratched and heavy stones hit.
- Processing earth: The stylized rumbling sound and granular texture.
- Organic water: Waves, hydrological bubbles and fluid splash.
- Processing water: New sense of underwater and stylized liquid crushing.
- Organic air: Bamboo rotation, cloth movement and pressure eruption.
- Processing air: Filtering gust and dynamic noise scan.
- explode: Fireworks explosion, buttane explosion and film influence.
Build a block-416 sound
Game layer featuring games Impact, wow, and Texture Be Seamless cycleEssence Enhance the transition and enhance the atmosphere through the sound layer of cycle and pre -design.
- fire: Explosive outbreak, burning hell and warm embers.
- Earth: Shocking impact, collapse terrain and heavy collisions.
- water: The waves of the level, the quiet rivers and the danger of underwater.
- Air: Soft breeze, stormy turbulence and sliced gusts.
Design Kit-192 Sound
A series of ready -made sound effects are divided into Attack, bending, and explode Quickly integrate to the category in your project. Very suitable for high -energy scenes and immersive stories.
- fire: Crack slamm, the explosion of fire and roaring hell.
- Earth: Broken influence, transferred ground and large -scale land eruption.
- water: Splash, fluid operation and collapse tide.
- Air: Cut into wind, vortex current and thunderous gusts.
Four elements Provide you with complete creative control, integrate organic recording and processing sound layers to meet the needs of any project. Master the natural power Four elementsEssence Let your creativity ignite.
元素,火,水,地球,空气,水,液体,液体,岩石,铸造,石头,卵石,火炬,火炬,火焰,火焰,篝火,嘶嘶声,爆发,刮擦,刮擦,whoosh,撞击, Texture, texture, texture, attack, bending, bending, bending, bending, bending, bending, bending, explosion, processing, surge, tremor, flowing, burning, litting, drop, SMACK, Destruction, Runa, His, blowing, blowing Qi, wind, cloth, movement, underwater, underwater, underwater, bubbles, ocean, rivers, rivers, lakes, lakes, fireworks, fireworks, firecrackers, explosions, explosions, explosions, explosions, magic, fantasy, fire, fire, fire Magic, Water Magic, Earth Magic, Fire, Fire, Fire effects, Fire WHOOSH, Water, Seamless Ring, Cycle, Cycle, Fire casting, casting, water casting, earth, casting, air casting, air casting