Yakuza products in 2024 Broken anger It’s Takeshi Kitano’s ridiculous comedy, both in the first and second part, or his swan song. Kitano has been one of the busiest performers around. He plays all roles: actor, director, writer. Although he is far from editing and producing the latest film.
It follows a similar theme to the 2005 film takeshis’ *A surreal movie that essentially allows the actors to meet themselves.
Broken anger First is the “straightforward” of Takeshi as Hitman, his scroll life, after he is identified, a pair of curved policemen. That’s the first part. The second part then has the exact same plot, but laughs.
kitano is Nezumi (mouse).
tadanobu asano is inoue. (Curved policeman.)
Takashi Nishina is a coffee shop manager.
No fukuda.
Jun Akiyama is an undercover investigator.
This is where I usually give the basic outline of a movie story. exist Broken angerHowever, I deviated from this approach. Just look at the opening paragraph about the movie, and the last paragraph provides enough outline.
Broken anger may be Atrocities Trilogy. This could also be the final chapter of completing the Yakuza movie’s long career.
Part One:
Broken anger Looks It’s serious here, but not true. In these types of movies, this seems to like Kitano’s past characters. take Work b (1997). It’s a different type of Kitano movie, his character is a policeman, but follows the same formula. Police or Yakuza in another movie made a bad choice. His violence was swift and overwhelming. He is firm and final.
However, the formula is the opposite of the mouse here. He walked in and killed the target, and then walked out. No one knew him in previous Kitano movies. He did not march before the witness and determined. exist Broken anger He was picked out of the lineup and worked by two policemen.
*One of them is the brilliant tadanobu asano. I’m first Ich KielR (2001), then in the 2003 Kitano movie Blind Swordsman: Zatoichi. American audiences remember him better when they were one of Thor’s companions in the Avengers story. I’m a big fan of his work. *
This part of the film can be seen as a sly irony of Kitano’s own previous works.
Part 2:
Broken anger In the second part, it does go straight to comedy paradise. Rats are prone to occur and cannot do his job in hiring, and he cheats in a musical chair.
Sure, he killed the first marker, but screwed up the wrong target on his second outing. He can do nothing, comedy at the top. It works, but asks the question, is Kitano ready to hang his Auteur hat?
Who cares
No matter what the answer is, who cares? Defeating Martial Arts is still fascinated whenever he is on the screen. His perseverance and manners usually take over any scene where he is.
So despite being confused by what Kitano is trying to say here, it is still interesting and fills the blank space that exists when he is not making a movie.
Broken anger Still hit the solid 4.5 stars from the 5 galaxy. I’m a bit confused like “WTF is in progress?” Type entries and complaints about low functional budgets. TBI caused half a star loss.
This movie can be seen on Prime. Go and check it out. Look at your thoughts. Has it met his usual standards?
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