The following list is 2025 Screenshot Horror Competition. These excellent scripts are selected from nearly 1,400 submissions. Congratulations to these winning writers and thanks to everyone for submitting it!
Grand Prize Winner
Hair pins go through L Quimby
A young girl desperately wants to help her family in a village where sacrifice makes them safe but makes them slowly swallowed by the past.
Function Winner
Combined go through Jason Miller
A fanatical religious family is insane in a small rural farm spiral as they cope with the horrific effects of cosmic events that change the world, change the world.
TV pilot champion
The last girl f*ck*ry go through Sophie Mutiara Nova
Mel is well trained to be the last girl of her life – she has a chance when her agnostic missionary father takes her to summer camp. The bet heats up when they realize that their bad-destined family trip is doomed to start the Apocalypse.
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