The Russo brothers are responsible for the second-highest box office movie ever, so in theory this should mean they know at least how to direct an entertaining, crowd-pleasing movie, especially when it gets a $300 million budget, which is the most expensive movie ever – making it the best picture of the year (you can get the best picture of the year (you can make seven nominations in this photo)Conclusion, evil, a totally unknown man, barbarian, Anora, nickel boy and substance For that number, there is still money left). Yet, meanwhile – who really remembers their post-Marvel work? cherry and Grey man is a disaster directly to the flow, so why should we expect to Electricity statusIt’s a film made by directors who don’t like movies, actors who don’t watch movies, and a streaming service that doesn’t care about movies – it doesn’t want to fund David Lynch’s project, but it’s a single ridicule – it’s a movie that’s destined to watch at work or at home or at work while doing trivia. Unforgettable background, anti-art television, like movies red or Red notificationstarring Dwayne Johnson, are all Gargantuan streaming movies, and they are all forgotten a few months after their release. Expectations and Electric statisticsE will give it too much credit.
Located in a world; behind robot vs. In human war, robots live in their own state, separate from the state of human beings, and are hated by them. The protagonist – Michelle, an isolated teenager played by Millie Bobby Brown, whose average “I’m Not Like Other Girls” YA novel protagonist joins Chris Pratt’s Keats, a rebellious smuggler who kicks with a wise robot deputy to find out who she has been a longtime brother to find out what’s going on. The problem is, I never had enough reason to take care of Keats or Michelle, both actors playing themselves rather than characters – Brown is lifeless, Pratt playing his irony Jurassic Park The character itself is a caricature of his galaxy character guardian; manipulated through the same artificial whirlwind dialogues that don’t really add any kind of depth to the table, which is actually bad enough when Whedon does it first and it gets worse. There are only so many “organized” jokes that I can take it all away, which largely shows that Russo Brothers don’t believe they are selling their stories.
Totally derived, without the original idea – in some scenarios, the robot plays ride In the attack on evil entities, on the piano – this movie feels like Russia has shatters on their shoulders Avengers: The Final Game How awards ceremony and movies will be taken over by AI is not more beloved. This means that Russians believe in their vision or have something to say. But it’s obvious Electricity status It was ruthless from the beginning – for science fiction adventure comedy, there was no laughter, and there were no more exciting moments. Any belief that it might start and end with a bland monologue quote may be nice, thus wasting the talented original material it drew from. Its support cast is full of regular tunes the actors play there for Paycheque – think Anthony Mackie, Brian Cox, Stanley Tucci – Tucci is in the villain mode of the phone effect, playing a business person who creates the reality of virtual reality that removes human experience from humans, making it powerful demands in all schools. Its sense of bias will never be real.
The pop culture environment and references of the 90s were finely tuned and were as bad as films made in the mid-1990s. Needle drops are the most obvious needle drops, and anyone with a basic 90s music history will know that it is a waste of stacked casts of actors and money – in the 90s, these references would feel fascinating and refreshing, but when you have such a show Stranger’s stuff This makes the 80s nostalgia feel tired and it’s hard not to feel tired and bored Electricity status – Baby between Prepare player one and wait But what both of these films have to offer is that they are directed by Steven Spielberg. The man who invented the blockbusters, which was made by two directors who could not lead the way out of their own paper bags.