Before you decide this post is not worth your time, before you jump to the comments by the title alone, I urge you to hear me.
As a support actor who loves trackers very much, I don’t object to Cote’s end up having a partner. They don’t necessarily need to be involved in every situation, but if the known lonely wolf stands out and is often around him and I welcome it.
But that person shouldn’t be Billy Matalon.
When Billie first introduced Billie during Season 1 Episode 6, I liked the understatement between her and Colter and how they helped each other, but also had to learn to trust each other again.
Their relationship does feel (perhaps due to the star’s real marriage), and she’s a person who will be incorporating into Cort’s life from time to time, I can do it.
A tracker is a performance that is suitable for finding yourself into a random plot when needed.
We’ve seen Jensen Ackles’ Russell Shaw and Billie himself twice.
Billie appears in episode 3 of Tracker Season 2 Episode 3, where she and Colter are placed in a strange case of a missing teenager and biohacker company that buys and sells blood.
Aside from the case, the hour was very focused on Billie’s focus in ways that we had few other characters named Colter saw. This hour starts installment payments as Billie, while long-time characters like Reenie, Velma and Bobby are not nearby.
The second pair of Colter and Billie did not have the same bite as the first pair. The two quickly transformed from long-standing rivals to allies after their first meeting, fading their chemistry.
When they have elements of anxiety, the situation between them is better, and Billy’s motivation is not entirely clear.
When they abandoned these excuses and made Billy another tracker, they took the best part of their dynamics, with no real reason to make him doubt her or they wanted to hit each other.
If Colter and Billie are going to work together permanently, it would be more like Billie’s second appearance, which is bland at best rather than her first appearance, which is fun and more fascinating.
In order for Colt to want to work with someone permanently, he needs to find someone like himself.
He is with people who are similar to him, which is not unusual, but considering that he likes someone, he is not keen to work with people he doesn’t trust.
Part of the initial bait for Corte and Billy was that they didn’t trust each other. Now, they sacrificed this to make their relationship understand more about each other – a more romantic background.
This is predictable and can make the long-term partnership between them dull.
The best part of their dynamic makes them play with each other and figure out who the other is. If you pair them up and essentially turn Billie into a shadow of Colter instead of her own, you will lose most of it.
Because there is no doubt; this is Cote Shaw Show.
If Colter had a partner, they would play the second violin because that was the design of the show.
Billy should have popped up from time to time, and the two should have played the game of cat and mouse while chasing the same rewards to see if they can overcome past events.
Instead, after a successful job, Colter and Billie Letgones became a thing of the past, reducing their relationship by twenty times.
If the stars are aligned, Colter Shaw can get a partner who decides he is willing to split those salaries and trust enough people to work with him at a dangerous job, but will they get into the airflow with him?
How can permanent partners really work with the current way things are built?
This may be another post, but I’m now drawing a partner’s name off the list: Billie.
OK, tracker fanatic! How do you think about the possibility of Colter getting a partner?
Do you want to see him work with Billie?
Do you think others will get better?
If you agree with me or a completely different point of view, please let me know in the comments. I would love to hear from you!
You can watch CBS’s tracker season on Sunday at 8/7C.
Watch Tracker-2024 online
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