Marvel releases exciting mid-season trailer for series Agatha has alwaysand an actor poster Joe Locke In his previous role as Teenager, he finally revealed his true identity in last week’s fifth episode. If you haven’t seen episode five yet, please be aware that there are spoilers ahead.
In the first episode of the series, Locke’s “teenagers” show up and break into Agatha’s house. As she captures him and takes him to the station, he recites a spell that breaks Agatha’s spell and brings her back to reality.
He then convinces her to let him join her on a journey to become a witch, and after gathering the coven, he’s basically a spectator on the journey, that is, until episode five.
It was later revealed that the teen was none other than Wanda, also known as Billy Maximoff, Wanda’s son. Fans have been speculating about this for a while, but it’s such a cool reveal! This is definitely a huge pivotal point in the show.
So Marvel gave us a trailer to give us a look at what’s to come in the final four episodes, and now things have taken a turn. Check out the new poster below and let us know what you think.
Agatha has always Episode 6 will be released on Wednesday, October 16th. Episode 7 will be broadcast on October 23. Episodes 8 and 9 will be released on October 30.