Call all Sound designer, composer and voice actor – This is your moment!
We’ve removed the audio from the short film Eye tips Spencer Zimmerman: Your job is Bring it to life with your own original sound.
you can Solo or team work (up to 5 people), so grab your composer, sound designer and voice actor friends and go to work!
All the information you need to enter ends at
We are delighted to be a team of senior judges to help us select winners. Our highest entry Will be judged by Nia Hansen, Disaster and Joining AdeleTogether we will select winners for our 5 main prize categories…
- Airwiggles Award – Awarded to our overall favorite entry
- 1X local instrument Komplete 15 favorite version
- 1x iZotope Everything Bundle
- 1x Prosperity One (3 years of subscription)
- 1x kioot ultimate bundle + all content library
- 1x fracture sounds like everything is tied
- Sound Award – Awarded to entries with excellent sound design
- Boom Signature Series Basics (1x per team member)
- Music Awards – awarded to entries with great original soundtracks
- Komplete 15 standard for local instruments (1x per team member)
- Voice Awards – Awarded for entries with excellent voice/sound performances
- Izotope Music Production Kit 7 (1x per team member)
- Creative Awards – Awarded to entries with extremely unique or creative audio
- Kilohearts phaseplant (1 times each team member)
We will also run the sweepstakes you can win for more information, all rules and answers to all questions Click here.
The movie audio confrontation is now live! You must submit your movie through our submission form by April 13 – find your team, create some audio and submit your work!
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