Reviewer Rating: 4.5/5.0
As usual, there’s a lot to unpack after All the Way Home Season 3 Episode 4, enough to keep theorists busy for the next week or so.
This is a Del-centric moment, and for the sake of simplicity, that will be the focus of this review.
I’ll touch on some other points, but this is the first time we’ve discovered more about Del than ever before, so it deserves some attention.
First, Del has a secret.
We’ve been tossing around how much she knew, but one thing we know now is that she kept it a secret from her family.
While I thought we’d find out she knew more about the pond than she let on, her conversations with her version of Colton told a different story.
If she knew what Pond was capable of, she wouldn’t have asked him why, and if he knew, he wouldn’t have told her or gone to save their son.
We have to assume that the conversation between Del and Ghost Colton was genuine. She won’t lie to herself and play games to the audience. She was really confused that Colton was hiding something so important from her.
But did he do it? While we’re all pretty sure that both Colton and Evelyn were aware of the pond’s transport properties, that may not be the case.
To fully understand Del’s story in this episode, we must look at the past and present together, including Alice’s interactions with Evelyn.
wait. Were you at the pond? …You don’t have to explain anything. I know what you know. The pond is a very special place. You feel it too, right?
— Evelyn [to Alice]
The writers were so shameless about Colton and Evelyn’s knowledge of the pond – just as shameless as Evelyn and Colton themselves.
One minute, they seem to take the story Fern is telling him at face value, and the next, they seem to be playing a wish-fulfillment game, talking the talk rather than walking the walk.
It wasn’t Colton in the pond at the beginning of the third episode of Season 3 of Homecoming that convinced me that he knew about time travel across the pond. It was the conversation between him and Evelyn, and their behavior at the pond, that led me in this direction.
Now, I’m not so sure.
Colton opens up to Alice, admitting it feels like a lot to share with a virtual stranger.
He told her about Vern and time travel, and he believed enough that he thought he could fix the past by intervening after Nick’s funeral.
But he felt stupid because he hadn’t been anywhere. Had he lied to Alice and only given her enough to make her lose her taste? If that’s the case then why No He shares everything he knows with Del?
Del was the love of Colton’s life.
It doesn’t make sense for her to know nothing about Pond, something he allegedly shared with Evelyn, especially after Jacob’s disappearance.
Did he think the pond was the problem when he lost Jacob? How could he not? How could Del not be when she heard the same story from Evelyn?
The bottom line is, there’s a lot we don’t know, and I don’t even think it’s the secret that bothers Del the most.
Because we need to take another step and try to understand what happened to Del in the summer of 1974 and how it relates to the “I Know Your Family” notes.
Del has an upset stomach. Although Colton loved boats, she never liked boats.
This disagreement tainted their first date when she vomited at sea. She was embarrassed and angry that he let her on the boat when she didn’t want to go.
In one grand gesture, he sang “Waterloo” by the water’s edge, calming the storm raging inside her. But as Alice guessed, that wasn’t the moment they fell in love. After a while she became ill again, but not from being at sea.
Of course, clues point to Del becoming pregnant in 1974.
I don’t know how Ringmore’s painting of the Lady in White proves this, but some people believe that this is the case.
So if there are already rumors among viewers that Del was pregnant when she and Colton met, and people are already questioning how the baby in the basket (which appears to be from a ’90s time frame) could be hers, well, you get the idea .
Now, it’s impossible not to see the connection.
My personal theory is that the Goodwins might be able to time travel across the pond, and they might be able to go forward, and they might be able to go backwards.
I’m going to put it another way and say that Noah won’t win Alice’s heart. Max Goodwin may have had the honor.
But I’m getting ahead of myself, because how can you not analyze so much information? Whatever secrets Del holds, they have to do with her family, and she’s afraid to tell Kate and Jacob because they’ve been through so much.
She doesn’t want them to “come with fear.” What exactly is it?
She clearly doesn’t understand that secrets are the cause of a lot of their sadness, but that’s okay. She is a slow learner. But was there anyone in her family because she was pregnant with Alice or someone moved the baby to another time than we thought?
I shudder to think how many jumps it would take to pull it off, but on this show, anything is possible.
If she was pregnant, and it was her baby in the basket, why would Kate and Jacob live in fear now that they know it? There must be something else going on.
Frankly, if you happen to like this kind of stuff as much as I do, it will make your head spin. Every message will make you excited.
While we all try to figure it out, Del is rediscovering her son, remembering who he is, and embracing who he is. It took her nine months to get there, but she finally behaves like a grieving mother reunited with her son should.
Remembering the little boy who mailed her mother helped introduce her to the man he became and inspired the Postal Service to start delivering again.
Del listens to Jacob’s nightmares, but she still doesn’t fully understand them, until she sees him in Ringmore affected by Cyrus Goodwin’s memories, and when she finally discovers the scars on his back .
She said what she wanted to say and she meant it.
Scars are proof that you made it through hard times. They bear witness to what happened and allow you to move on.
She also realized how much Jacob enjoyed working with the soil, and she urged him to consider accepting Lewis Goodwin’s invitation to work together in his winery.
Louis extended an olive branch to the family, which seemed well-intentioned and heartfelt. He is proud of his heritage. He didn’t know what kind of person Cyrus really was, because the victors write history.
His whole life he believed his family was great, but setting the record straight would be a difficult task. Maybe they don’t need to let go of the past to create a better future.
Maybe that olive branch will bring about change, erasing Cyrus’ guilt so that the Goodwins don’t have to repeat the same mistakes Jacob did.
While this is happening, Kate continues to investigate. She’s bent on learning more about 1965, and with Jasper’s help, she’s off to a good start.
When Colton and Evelyn were six or seven years old, they were already dipping their toes into the pond, as evidenced by hearing their youthful voices at town meetings.
Evelyn wants to tell the town about the pond’s special qualities, but Colton stops her. She expressed her satisfaction at him: “You had to do it, Cole. I know you did it! What does that mean? We’re back to not understanding what they know.
In 1974, the closer Colton got to Del, the further he grew from Evelyn.
Evelyn finally realized that she fell in love with him, but it was too late. No wonder she doesn’t like Del.
But what secrets did they keep during their brief friendship?
One thing occurred to me when I was watching this episode. We often think of knowing the future as a heavy burden, but what if it was free?
As Colton and Jacob camp out, Colton affirms, “Nothing can hurt you here, Jackie. I promise.”
Did he know something was going to hurt Jacob, but not at the time?
What if knowing when your life is over allowed you to live a fulfilling life? Is this why he is so generous and loving?
Some people know their futures will fall apart, but others embrace the time in between. Maybe Colton is one of them.
Maybe he keeps secrets because he’s not sure others will accept them the same way. I spat again, just thinking about the possibilities.
Del offers great advice when she talks to Kate about her worries that living with Elliot might be boring.
“It’s the small moments in relationships that count. Small gestures, not big gestures. That’s what love is about.
– of
Del has always been the recipient of small and big gestures that captured her heart. She wants the same treatment for her children and grandchildren.
When you can change your life through time travel, enjoying life’s quiet moments must be a lot harder. Is this the lesson of the pond?
Now, I know there’s a lot more that I haven’t covered here, but I hope I’ve at least given you something to think about. If so, please share your thoughts with me below. Don’t keep everything in Facebook groups!
The Way Home Season 3 Episode 4 is the perfect way to learn more about Del, while also making her even more mysterious. We needed this and it delivered.
What theory are you creating after “I Had to Say I Love You in a Song”? I can’t wait to hear them!
Watch “The Road Home” online