Author: CinemaMix 360

2023 production the great escapee Have it all. There were laughs, there were tears, and by the end of the movie, it felt good. Don’t believe me? Just ask McCain. That’s the word he uses to describe this “based on real life” story. story Old age pensioner Bernie Jordan (played by Kane) lives with his wife Eileen (played by the late Glenda Jackson). They are in a nursing home. Bernie, a Royal Navy veteran of the Normandy landings in World War II, wanted to attend the 70th anniversary ceremony. in France. Irene allowed him, and Bernie set off for France.…

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I was recently interviewed for a research project on “film look” – a topic of constant debate among filmmakers. The central question is simple What makes something cinematic? Does it even have a cinematic look? Filmmakers have debated this issue for years. It all started with the first launch of large-sensor digital SLR cameras, which brought a new level of image quality to the public. Suddenly, everyone can capture shallow depth of field in high resolution. This look was previously only found in films shot on 35mm film. During this brief period, the word “cinema” became almost synonymous with shallow…

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Insta360 camera chaos! Insta360 hired me to create this video so people could understand the key differences between their three main cameras. They are very different and all have their own strengths and weaknesses. I’ll also show you how to get the best results during filming and post-production. Insta360 hired me to create this video so people could understand the key differences between their three main cameras. They are very different and all have their own strengths and weaknesses. I’ll also show you how to get the best results during filming and post-production. Thank you for using my affiliate link…

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The following is the list of finalists for this year’s semi-finals 2024 ScreenCraft Feature Film Competition. These outstanding scripts were selected from nearly 1,500 submissions. Congratulations to the authors so far, and thanks to everyone who submitted! Stay tuned for the announcement of the finalists on our blog and on our website on September 11th twitter, Facebookand Instagram Number of pages! If you would like to be notified when this competition reopens for entry, you can subscribe to updates through Coverfly here. Here are the semifinalists: For all the latest news and updates about ScreenCraft, follow us twitter, Facebook and…

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Reviewer Rating: 4/5.04The print team is all together now, but if the latest episode of Orphan Black: Echoes proves anything, it’s that being together doesn’t mean being safe. Audiences were devastated by the loss of a very popular character in “Joyce’s Paradox.” Still, nearly everyone in Orphan Black: Echoes feels expendable—everyone except Kira, Lucy, Jules, and Eleanor. (Sophie Giraud/AMC) While that may not have been the writers’ intention, that’s what the series started to feel like. And I don’t mean just the body count, as some of the characters who appeared at the beginning have almost completely disappeared at this…

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