1999 original director The Blair Witch Project Movie, Eduardo Sanchez and Dan Myricksaid Lionsgate and Blumhouse have not yet contacted them for any kind of consultation regarding the upcoming reboot.
In an interview with Film Story, Myrick talked about the studio system and how they weren’t their friend.
He explained: “The studio is not your friend. They are a business, so we went through a trial on that. After that, this is how business works.
“I mean, Lionsgate acquired the rights. They tried a few times with follow-up films and had some success, but we still clung to the naive idea that there were other Blair films to explore. , we think these movies are valuable.
“Of course for the audience, for the fans. Unfortunately, Lionsgate didn’t embrace that approach.
Sanchez added: “Like Dan said, it’s bittersweet. It would be nice to be included again. Even if they don’t listen to us. Just to hear our opinions – again, like Dan said , we have a bit of a fan base that’s loyal to the original movie, and it would be great news for them to have us back.
No details have been revealed yet about the next film Jason Blum is producing. It’s been described as a “new vision” for the series.
The original cast of this film, Heather Donahue, Joshua Leonardand Michael Williamshave previously issued public statements calling for more compensation and recognition for their work on the original film.
They also called for “meaningful consultation” on any future issues Blair Witch Movies made using their names or likenesses. I’m sure the studio won’t give them any of those things because like the director said, the studio is not their friend.