Merry Christmas! To celebrate the holidays, Science SARU has released a trailer for a new action animated series called Sanda The show centers on Santa Claus, whose mission is to dispense justice rather than deliver gifts.
“This story takes place in the not-too-distant future. This is a period when the birth rate has dropped sharply. One day, a girl disappears from Daikoku Patriotic Academy, the center’s motto is “Trauma-free education.”
Refusing to give up on her dead friend without a thorough search, student Shiori Fuyumura asks Mita Kazushige to help her find her.
“However, Fuyumura believes that Sanda is under a certain curse. This unique human drama aims to show the strange relationship between the two.
The original manga of the animation is produced by beast star creator Itagaki Paru,daughter buckyhamma creator Itagaki Keisuke.
Sanda will launch next year during the fall 2025 anime season, with voice actors including Ayumu Murase and Hiroki TochiPlayed the roles of Kazue Mita and Santa Claus respectively.