In this new film adaptation, Cruel Intentions follows the elite students of Manchester College, a university adjacent to Washington, D.C., where reputation means everything and fraternities and sororities are gold. Criterion, two ruthless stepbrothers, Caroline Merteuil and Lucien Belmont, will do whatever it takes to stay at the top of a ruthless social hierarchy. After a brutal bullying incident threatens the entire Greek Life system, they will do whatever is necessary to preserve their power and reputation – even if it means seducing Anne Grover, the daughter of the Vice President of the United States. In the modern royal court of Manchester Academy, hearts will be broken, loyalties will be tested and secrets will be revealed.
Cruel Intentions stars Sarah Katherine Hooker as Caroline Meteuil, Zach Burgess as Lucian Belmont, and Savannah Lee Smith as Annie Gero “F”, Sarah Silver plays “Cesi Calloway”, John Harlan King plays “Bryce Powell”, Coby Clark plays “Scott Russell”, Sean ·Patrick Thomas plays “Professor Hank Chadwick” and Brooke Lena Johnson plays “Beatrice Voss”.