As part of the reality, you are listening to a daily roundup. See the podcast. I am your host reality. Steve, thank you for your adjustment this Friday. Good performance today. We’ll talk about this. Jason’s interview yesterday, this is a show I haven’t talked about for weeks, but we’re going to talk about it because I’ve seen the ending and I’m going to try to get a guest from the show and also a reality show.
It popped up on Netflix two days ago. We’ve been talking about it all the time, like, wow, I don’t know when to start watching 10 episodes of it. Then, when we finally get an interview with Jenny Garth Dalton James on an OMG podcast earlier this week, we’ll do all of that for the time being.
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OK Let’s get started. Let’s talk about yesterday’s Jason interview. Hope you take the time to listen to it. I did get a lot of feedback. So I know some of you listened at least. I appreciate it. I heard it back yesterday because I was thinking, when you were in the interview, you did it, you didn’t know it sounded weird, and I was wearing headphones and I was obviously listening to what Jason said.
These are all my interviews. Sometimes I just don’t remember the interview. Well, you don’t remember some things about it. You still remember the basics, but its process accomplished my problem. How are they? Did they support what he just answered? I like to do this because it’s easy to do an interview and I just wrote down the questions.
It’s just a question, answer, question, answer, answer, question, answer. I don’t like to do that. I like to have more conversations. For Jason, it’s easy because, as I said, as a podcast host, he obviously got a gift from GAB. He can speak. So it’s very easy to have a free-flowing conversation with him, especially when we participate in sports and dogs.
I mean, two things I like. Very cool. I like it. I hope you do the same. I think it’s funny, it’s funny, and I don’t think that guy is defined by the guy he’s dating. The people he dates are important to many people? certainly. I get it. And, I just don’t think it has to go in. Of course, I’ll talk about it if allowed, but honestly, I don’t think I’ll like it, then why did you break up with Caitlyn, Jason?
What, what happened there? I mean, because that’s so generic and basic. And it’s a bit invasive, too, because I don’t even know if he wants to talk about something like this. If I were even allowed to mention it, it might be more about their dynamic. Overall, three years of engagement talk danced with the stars.
What does this do to their relationship? OK? Isn’t it good? Is it difficult? Because we know Caitlyn obviously ends up being the winner for six to eight hours a day. Like, what did he do to keep himself busy? There he found any resentment there because he had never seen her?
I mean, except, why did you break up? You know, maybe Jason and I will solve this problem these days. Maybe it’s time for a, there’s more. I know they broke up in 2023 or maybe mid-2024. I don’t remember the exact year on top of my head, but that’s what I’m talking about.
I still think it was a very interesting interview to hear him talk about the reintegration of his brand management company and the competitive power he was able to do to fund all the credit in the world to him, because it is not easy to do it completely spin and build your brand, it has nothing to do with the show.
When I tell a story about Tyler Cameron, most people know you, yesterday was fun. Go to his tiktok and complain about the fact that he doesn’t let the house he grows up at home and the boat he takes with him on a boat because that’s too small, because that’s too small, Jason is too small, Jason is too small, Jason is too small, you know the season I’m talking about, this is your last season, it’s actually a season, it’s a season, it’s your last one, that’s their home, that’s a home, that’s a home, that’s a home, that’s a home, that’s a home, that’s a home, that’s a home, that’s a home, that’s a home, that’s a home, that’s a home, that’s a home, that’s a home, that’s a home, that’s a home, that’s a home, that’s a home, that’s a home, that’s a home, that’s a home, that’s a home, that’s a home, that’s a home, that’s a home, that’s a home. Airbnb rental Jason is one where a home was rented, and I don’t know if it’s because they thought his family’s house was too small, maybe they couldn’t make it work, I don’t know what the details behind it were, but after I recorded, I was just like, and then the Tyler Cameron story came out, I was like, oh yeah, that’s right, I remember for a fact that Jason didn’t use the home that he Grew up in, I remember it was being told to me at time, if I remember correctly, I believe that the day he dated in his hometown had the videos and pictures I posted that day.
I mean, this is seven years ago, six years ago, there were some videos and videos and photos I posted that day, taking him around and Caitlyn walked into the house, but, yes, definitely not his. If I remember correctly, I might be wrong. It’s a small detail, but if I remember correctly, it’s the home of a producer who grew up in Buffalo.
If I remember correctly, I might be wrong, but this is definitely not their home, that is definitely not, oh, it is just using my cousin’s home or my uncle’s home. Now, if I believe, if I remember correctly, Jason’s hometown date was filmed at the home of the producers they grew up with. So a few weeks ago, I raised this fact.
The Joe Schmo show is back on TV, it’s been on TBS, the past Tuesday was episode 9, we only have two episodes left, and the Joe Schmo Show is a prank TV show. Where do they create fake game shows? Everyone in the game show is fake. Everyone is an actor, but one thinks they are actually playing a game show and they have to find someone naive enough that they may not watch a lot of TV.
They were able to do that. Now, this is filmed in 2021. Because you’ve been watching the show. You noticed. Whenever we see a videotape of the producer in the control room, they wear masks. So you know this is not something that hasn’t been filmed recently. I believe it was filmed in the summer of 2021, when masks were still a thing.
But it keeps airing on TBS. I was finally caught up and at first I told you I was like, I just don’t like that. Enough here. I don’t think they will go to extremes. I think what he wants to figure out is any threat. Like they weren’t, they didn’t really push the envelope for me, but then I watched the last few episodes and it became even more ridiculous for me.
This guy who didn’t know was basically making a game show and was making a TV show for him. He just became very, very likable. And you’re just waiting for the reveal. What should this guy do? He would be upset because all of these actors, especially one actor.
It has become very close to him, you know, you spend a lot of time all your time and shoot with people you are close to, so what did I do, I said is there any way to buy a filter? Because I started the week after I started to go to Las Vegas, California next week and the week I told them that I could get the screeners and I would love to record them with Ben, so I’ve watched the last two episodes, the penultimate episode is next Tuesday, episode 18, and then the finale is on Tuesday’s episode 25, episode 25.
I was thinking, could I see them in advance and record them with Ben and then I’ll post it the next day? They said, of course. Now, we’re trying to figure out how long it could have been recorded, but let me just say that. I won’t give up anything. I mean, obviously, you know the way this show is. Finish. This is no different from the first two seasons of three seasons that Joe Schmoe performed a few years ago.
Same responsibilities as a jury. No joke was made by one person. The others are. Then they show them. It was just that moment. How, how does the person react? I would say I really like the ending of the show. yes. It brings a smile to your face. Let’s say that all the nonsense in the world is happening, everything is negative, negative, negative and death threats, and the names of people who call each other and people snipe each other online.
I would say the ending of this season’s Joe Schmo show, which I think is very, very appealing, very positive. And I think if you keep watching it, you’ll love it. So there are moments where I feel a little nervous. You’re like, oh, but the way they build it, and then build it the way they do.
You know, doing this fake game show, everything is fixed. Who will win the challenge? Who will eliminate everything fixed. They set it up at the end of the season as they want it, and I think they are very smart. And the child is really likable. He really is.
They found another one, which was great on the East Coast. I don’t know this. The background is on the TV show side, but he seems naive about the whole process, but hopefully we’ve been on the podcast and if you haven’t watched it yet, catch up with the Joe Show. The Joe Schmo performance on TBS did get in the final episodes.
So please check it out. The penultimate episode is next Tuesday, and the ending is Tuesday, the 25th.