The Daily Roundup you’re listening to is part of the Reality Steve Podcast. I’m your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for watching this Monday. Bring you a good show. I have a technical thing to update you on. We’ll briefly discuss the Grant spoilers I posted last weekend.
Caitlin and Zach attend this weekend’s Philadelphia Eagles football game. Rachel and Matt’s drama continues. We’ve got some other stuff going on in Bachelor Nation, all of which we’ll talk about right now. Now, you’re not going to see this, you’re going to see this on Thursday, but I’ve been talking about getting a mic arm for a long time.
As you have seen in all my videos since I started my YouTube channel in July, the microphone is not on a stand in front of me, but when you watch my videos you will see the microphone is on my desk on the stand. Okay, now I have a microphone arm. To where it is not before me. It came in from the side and clamped onto my desk.
This is like a lifesaver for me. This is much better. I should have known this from the beginning because I didn’t. I just. No, I can use my hands when I talk, but again, you’ll just notice on Thursday when we have Rachel Juarez back on this week’s weekly podcast to discuss everything that’s going on with Justin, the Baldoni case and Blake Lai Foley, and me.
She’ll express her thoughts on Rachel, Lindsay, and Brian’s separate divorces. I know I just had Rachel on last week, but I wanted to bring her on again because so much has happened with Justin and Blake’s case. The paperwork is there. A lot of it was filed, but we didn’t get Rachel talking about it at all.
One week from today, single season starts, and I’m like, you know what? I want to get this Blake and Justin thing out of the way. Because I didn’t think anything was going to happen. It’s my understanding that any new litigation will come up because there’s so much back and forth right now. Again, just, that’s it. This is, this is crazy.
I talked about this on Friday, but it was just one of those things where Black said, look, this is exactly what abusers do. He placed the blame on the victims. Justin said, no, no, no, I’m not a victim. She is the victim. Like, look, I know again, everyone has to have a perspective and not just an opinion. You have to have a black and white view of this.
You can’t just say, hey, there’s a lot we don’t know here, but honestly, here’s the answer. You could say, Steve, what do you mean? We don’t know. We can read some documents online. We know what Black claims. We know what Justin is talking about. Yes, but not all of this is supported by evidence. These are just the complaints that both of them have made.
So you’ll hear Rachel talk about it more. But a lot will be decided in Discovery when she appears on the podcast on Thursday, as Blake’s team will ask Justin’s team to hand over all of this stuff and vice versa. So while both of their complaints made a number of general claims, they didn’t have to provide evidence.
Both legal teams were saying, we’ve got evidence of this, this, this, this, and it’s like, okay, but we don’t have all the evidence yet. So for anyone to say, oh, I know Blake is lying, or I know Justin is lying, or, oh, we’ve seen this. See, Blake Lively is one of the most powerful women in Hollywood.
Do I think she’s a peach in every show? No, she’s an A-list actress. Of course, she’s a heroine. I don’t care what a diva she is. Is it worthy to be sexually harassed, and does it constitute sexual harassment? That one is worth seeing. So a lot of things are true in this case. It’s not as black and white as it was when Blake first came out, like everyone on the internet said.
I’m probably as guilty of this as anyone else. When Blake’s complaints first came up, I said, Justin Baldoni is over it. And then Justin’s two lawsuits came out, and I’m not saying Blake is over it, because she’s certainly not over it. But I also think about, okay, she did something wrong here, but nothing, and I would say that in defense of Blake, nothing Blake did was a crime.
Nothing Blake did made Justin physically uncomfortable. So I think there’s a lot we don’t know. I would like to ask Rachel to discuss this from a legal perspective since she has read everything. She had read Blake’s complaint. She had read both of Justin’s lawsuits. One for the New York Times and one for Black and Ryan.
What does this latest incident, bringing Taylor Swift into all of this, have to do with all of this? Is this a big deal? Should he bring Taylor in? She has a lot of thoughts about this. Rachel and I don’t necessarily agree on every part of what’s going on here. I can tell you right now. We are definitely on the same side with everything that happened in the Clayton and Laura Owens cases.
Oh, and by the way, Laura Owen’s attorney David Gingras might be responding to Greg Woodnick’s brief from a few weeks ago when I was with Rachel on Wednesday Taping, so we might add that, but we’re going to spend more time on the Justin and Blake thing because you know where Rachel stands in the Clayton Eckerd case with Laura Owen.
Anyway, I mean, I, I, Gingras’s response was just a response to what Woodnick wrote in his briefing. We already know pretty well what he’s going to say. His whole case was that this was a Rule 26 situation and sanctions should not have been imposed on Laura because Rule 26 had not been complied with. All the other attorneys and others who have looked at this have said, yes, we understand that, but she could be sanctioned under other statutes.
Just, and. Perhaps Judge Matta didn’t specify this in her 19-page brief and ruling in Clayton’s favor, but that doesn’t mean the appeals court wouldn’t view it the same way. So I’m sure Gingras’s reaction would be, oh, look at this case they cited. This is wrong. It was wrong, but he never would.
This is a red herring. He would never get into the fact that he would never say that Laura couldn’t be sanctioned under those statutes, because she absolutely could. All the lawyers except David Gingras said that was why she was sanctioned. She may be subject to sanctions outside of Rule 26.
Or Wednesday, when we record Thursday, when you listen, but, yeah, that’s going to be, hopefully he’ll have it done in the next two days so I can bring it up. If not, I’ll do a daily roundup with her at some point (probably next week). I do want to say that when I gave Season of Grants episode-by-episode spoilers last week, I told you it would be on my site today or tomorrow.
It will be on my website tomorrow. So you have it in writing. It will always be there. You can catch up on the season as it airs. Because I didn’t expect it. Many people, if any, will keep it in mind. Hey, who are the seven women who go home in the first row of the ceremony in the first episode, and who are the four women who go home in the second row of the ceremony?
Who were the four people who went home during the third row ceremony? So how did Madrid rise from 10th to 7th place? How did the number go from seven to four in Scotland? All these things, finally four, three, two, one. Yes. If you’ve been following this post, you probably know this all too well by now, but looking back, oh yeah.
What happened when the basketball team went on a date? And the drama between who is who will be presented in written form. I put it on the podcast, but verbally, I don’t expect everyone to remember what I say on the podcast, it will be there for you to review. On my website tomorrow.
So look for that too. another. Bachelor Nation Notes. I’m sure if you follow them separately on Instagram, you probably saw that both Caitlin and Zach Clark were at the Philadelphia Eagles playoff game yesterday, and every video and every photo Caitlin posts, she makes sure to Gram is not among them.
On them, but we know they started dating last January, maybe a little bit earlier. The first time we saw evidence of them together was last year’s New Year’s Eve. But even though Caitlin didn’t post. Anything with Zach in it. Yes, we know they’re together, and they were together yesterday.
I actually received a photo of Caitlin and Zack together. After the Eagles-Rams game yesterday. They were in the lobby of the Philadelphia Marriott Navy Yard. So I don’t feel the need to post that photo. It is. Apparently they were together all day yesterday. It’s already obvious.
I mean, I’ve probably taken three or four pictures of them together in the last six to nine months, and people have seen them out and sent me pictures. I never posted one of them because I didn’t feel the need since we knew they were together. All you have to do is follow them on Instagram.
I don’t follow Zach. I’m following Caitlin, though. I know Caitlin isn’t a football fan, so if she was going to Philly, and I know Philly is Zach’s team, it would be obvious they were together before I got their postgame photos. They are not trying to hide anything. But Caitlin just kept the relationship a secret, even though she knew many people were well aware of her time with Zach.
It’s been over a year, but she just said she would handle things differently. This is the way she chose, and that’s fine. I mean my photos are not very aggressive. Very far away. They were all sitting on the couch wearing Eagles gear, like something. I don’t need to publish it. You know, they’re together so just in case you didn’t follow Caitlin or Zach yesterday.
Just know they were in the Eagles’ playoff game.