This is a game-by-scene review of “Naarnosh” (Big Eyes) in Season 3 Episode 2 (Big Eyes). For a discussion of the plot, check out our Black Wind Season 3 Episode 2 review.
Several guys were driving while picking up. The driver was pleased that he took off the hood from the belt. That must have been Bernadette’s gun, when he picked it up by the river. He was happy that he was like a leopard.
The older fellow driving with him proved what the driver looked like when he killed him with a “Good Day” grocery bag. He picked up the gun from his belt, pushed the car onto the ravine, and then started to drop dirt on the truck using a nearby bulldozer.
The driver woke up to this nightmare. The ravine looks much larger than the dirt distribution, but is completely filled. The only way to know the truck was there was Horn’s voice, as the driver tweeted in despair.
Leaphorn is doing paperwork at the breakfast table. Emma said it didn’t always have to be him, but he disagreed.
He visited the coroner and pulled the sheet back to an old man covered in dirt. Except it’s not an old man. This is a young man with his face cut and bleeding. Leaphorn was torn apart when Godo arrived. He can handle it.
The young man killed with a claw hammer. His cuts were deep, as if they were personal. Godot thinks it might be the boy fighting for something. But Leaphorn won’t buy it.

The arrow makes no sense. This is a sacred object, and putting it in Ernesto’s mouth is no different from the Catholic devil crucifix.
George Bullegs was the suspect before Ernesto was found, but for Leaphorn, the discovery of the arrow changed everything. Now, they need to worry that George is next.
Ernesto’s parents arrived. When they saw their son’s body, the lights flashed in the corridor and Leaphorn cried.
Chee asks Shorty and wonders if his cousin knows where George is. Is Winford sure he wants to cover up for his cousin and become an accessory for anything that Schotti has done to Ernesto? Wenfude carnival. Shorty told him to lie.
Leaphorn visits archaeological sites. Dr. Reynolds is there this time. Teddy told him that Levern was looking for George and Ernesto. Leaphorn asked about the arrows found in Ernesto’s mouth. Teddy is frustrated, but the actor who plays Reynolds often plays a bad guy, so I follow him.

Reynolds said the arrow was a fake toy. You can tell from the grooves along the edges. It was created by a machine, so it was impossible to come from his website. But wouldn’t Leaphorn realize it?
Reynolds said if he saw George, he would drag him to Leaphorn. As he left the trailer, he found Teddy crying in the car.
Back at the station, he found Emma chatting with Agent Washington. Emma didn’t know that women could join the FBI. She found Sylvia was smart. Leaphorn assured her that she didn’t send it here because she was smart. Emma invites her to supper, which annoys Joe.
Bernadette is taking remote photos of the cabin while sprinting on antelope or something. By the time she arrived at her, it had been filmed. A person nearby kept tracking it. When they are injured, they are unpredictable.

He is Tom Spencer. He knew she was the latest member of the local Border Patrol. She said she was following up with the white truck.
Today was her lucky day. Suppose she wanted to look closely, he wasn’t busy taking her there.
His great-great-grandfather started it all. They have been there because it is part of Mexico. He is a Santa Fe businessman. His great-grandfather was a friend of the first governor, James Calhoun. He is not a good person, but he is very good to Tom’s family.
She was not interested in the well, but in the white truck. She wondered if the plates had been replaced in the past few days. He smiled. He had a million other things to do, she had no arrest warrant, so he wouldn’t be looking for someone who drove or let her see in, but he did it anyway.
Her curiosity will never stop. She wanted to see the steam barrier, too, but he cleverly explained her. Since Bruce Greenwood rarely plays a good guy again, we also focus on Tom Spencer.
Argent Garza was drinking coffee from the cutest smiley cup when Tom Spencer called. Garza believes Bernadette is convinced that Spencer may traffic in women. Families are responsible for one-third of the feasible information they work with each year.

Spencer must have said something to senior chief Ed Henry because he was called to the office.
The police arrived at Shorty’s location with an arrest warrant. Leaphorn whispered to Chee, “Hey, do you have ‘me?”
Joe looked at the shed and found the ant farm he gave to the boy in the last episode. The ant takes Joe to a small claw-shaped tool with blood on it. In the loft above, ants are devouring the big melon. Still, when Jim found him, it frightened Joe and breathed heavily.
Shorty was arrested and when Chee interrogated, he was caught in a long list of crimes. Where is the short bronze star and purple heart? Does he have it on the list?
Joe puts Ernesto’s photo on the table. The short man was obviously shaking. Joe asked him if he did, but he didn’t need to hear the answer.

Jim was angry. He believes Shorty is responsible. But the blood on the murder weapon is through the hoofs of the hoof animals, so they have nothing.
Sylvia wants to meet Joe in “her” office. She didn’t understand that they had BJ Vines continue to bail in case of all the evidence against him. Joe said he tried not to think about it. White justice, he calls it.
She wondered about other types. Then she wondered where the BJ grape vine could have gone. Old, soft, used to his sexy wife, but had no money.
Bernadette asks Joe, but Jim answers. At first they were funny, then she decided to talk to him about her investigation. They trade to investigate the story.
The conversation turned sour when she hints that he might still be on the resentment, she suggests that Chee punched the short man. Still, he smiled when they hung up the phone.

Outside, Bernadette found her tires flat. Her male colleagues will help when she changes the tires. When they were playing in the pool later, she asked them what information they had obtained at Spencer Ranch. She asked about Waystate’s responsibilities. The Spencer tanker was running at night so she didn’t want to step in again.
Since tankers are running oil, all they have to do is pay attention to their weight and send it to them.
She asked him if he missed his family back home. They are both long from it. However, tonight, she didn’t miss anyone. When the night of CCR is the right time to start playing, he pulls her to dance. Her mind seemed to be elsewhere as he pulled her closer.
Chee visited Shorty, who was packing his horse with some supplies. Chee thinks Shorty knows where his son is, but Shorty won’t let him bring hatred to his son.
If neither George nor Shorty killed Ernesto, then George probably knew that was why Shorty packed up and found him. Shorty gave up George’s place. Jim called me. They will go and put George together, he didn’t ask.

Bernadette does her job at the weighing station. There is a second driver in the taxi; this is the one who starts with an episode. His name is Robert de Baca, also known as budget.
She looked at the load and it wasn’t a comfortable location for women. She climbed onto the tanker to verify that it was carrying oil. She stared at Baka carefully, the silly giggling on her face was disturbing.
Joe, Jim and Shorty arrive at the cabin and remove them before they reach the gate. A windy hell. They were worried that George would run away. Shorty announced herself before opening the door. Some people can’t feel it, and horses can feel it.
Joe heard the short man inside. He sounded surprised and made a sound. Inside, Joe finds his head. At the door, a man with a weird mask rushed him. Chee found Joe in the ashes inside, drowsy. He’s bleeding. “It’s true,” he said.
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