2025 short film Enter the room In one act is glorious. Filmmakers like Harry Waldman are the reason I love short films. If done correctly, these creativity knocks a person’s socks. Waldman is another guy with visual and horror movies Enter the room Have a solid focus. One will make you almost breathless, suddenly understand.
Brian lives alone. His brother Jeremy approached him in the apartment and asked if he could temporarily lay the berth. As polar opposites begin to collide, tension will follow.
Intimate actors
Peter Greasy is Brian.
Rich Holton is Jeremy.
Casting is the king
Waldman created it almost with one hand Enter the room: Writer, director, editor, producer, chose his close actor. Both actors “take off their little cotton socks.” They did so well that we never saw them actually portray anything other than truth.
Mastne and Holton feel as real as fabric on a worn sofa. In a short time, they conveyed: brotherly love, anxiety, troubles, anger, nervous interactions, and finally a different proportion of collapse.
Behind the camera
Enter the room The people behind the camera are also part of this brilliant little film. Lance Eliot Adams, who also co-produced the film, provided us with photography that shocked the room. Tight and simple. Every scene he shoots looks great because he uses a small suit to maximize the effect.
Cody Adams and Chris Colabella provide us with sounds that are not irritating and confusing. We can clearly hear the actors without having to be comfortable for understanding. Kevin MacLeod mixed music in this way to avoid interference. It’s enhanced. should.
Everything works
Waldman gives Enter the room A tension-strength element was almost tense. Brian almost rolled up his heart. He is a person with obsessive-compulsive disorder and ADHD. Jeremy is the complete opposite of his brother. In fact, they are Dionysius and Apollo. Their universe’s yin and yang.
Later, when things start to unravel, we understand. But, initially, we feel about men and their problems. Obviously, they are not a good match for “Roomies” for the time being.
Enter the room Earn a 5 star worth here. I was wrapped so big in the two men and their problems that the ultimate question surprised me. Waldman managed to pop this up on me, and that didn’t make me happy either. This is the invention of the short film type. Watch it and you will understand what I mean.
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