Critics’ rating: 3.5 / 5.0
Are there anyone else who expects this to be another kind of fire-fighting rural incident? I know that promotions were meant to attract expectations, but the promotions of “My Team” are all about it at this point.
In fact, this episode contains a lot of misleading, and although we will get these misleadings, there are still many stories about the story.
The season of this Fire Nation has gone beyond more plot stories that are worth a lot to shock and learn more about how each situation changes the character.
Gabriela is the first character to see significant improvement and growth, and her character is currently discovering herself. Now, it’s the turn to build.
Edgewater is not the most intimate hero of his hometown
At least the fans who are still getting back together for Gabriela and Bode are resting with “Bodrey” and whether the rest of us think they are a couple, they can stand out from “Bodrey.”
Although, if anything, Fire Country Season 3 Episode 13 proves how long it has been since Bode and how far he has to go.
First, did everyone from Bode hate him? I can’t think of a truly pleasant interaction with him recompeting with Townsfolk.
Remember in the 14th episode of “Fire Country” Season 1, when Bord met the guy with two sons, one of whom was thrown from the carnival? Bord is seen as a stain in Edgewater’s history.
But, like “a fair remember” Bode, in this case Drew finally appears, and Drew sees the Bode of the man he wants to be.
That way, Drew still knows Bord’s drugs and prison past. So, why did he send a bag of medicine?
If he is worried about Bode being injured, he can refer him to a very good doctor. It’s better to be a therapist because that’s the help he really needs.
Is there anything in the water in the town because no adults do well in this episode?
Let me be the first to say, if you read the spoilers for episode 13 of Fire Country Season Season 3, you know we expect very differently than Bode and Bode and Uncle Luke.
First of all, why haven’t he left it to Japan yet? Everything seems to be moving very quickly from the way Fire Country Season 3 episode 10 discusses.
Regardless, the “My Team” promotion seems to have brought Uncle Luke some horrible suggestions.
But Luke declared the bode world discourse of “choose poison” conveniently, saying: “You have to rely on someone.”
It’s a sneaky trick, but nothing is misleading than Constance Zimmer (good trouble) Renee. It’s better not everything we see with the actresses.
Listen, I know sometimes a character is just for creating short but interesting dramas.
But you won’t introduce talent like Zimmer in just a few minutes of scenes.
While Fire nation is no stranger to using and losing a role, it will be a huge waste of Constance Zimmer’s talent.
Not to mention, from the beginning, it was a very weak drama. Thirty years after marriage, you told me Sharon was worried that Vince proposed to his high school girlfriend?
Is this a CW performance? Are we looking at Riverdale derivatives?
Although such a small thing can happen at any time in a marriage, it is not a relationship that Vince and Sharon have been established.
They spent everything in the sun, including the loss of children. Zero makes sense that Sharon treats this in all aspects that she and Vince overcome.
On the other hand, I’m still trying to figure out Jack’s deal.
Like Jack, it’s time to stop forcing the character of “Dad” arc
The biggest sign of the novel “My Team” is that Jack will stand out from anyone.
Apart from being a cute and wonderful guy, actor Jordan Calloway (Black Lightning) plays him, which is ridiculous. That’s just an objective fact.
So, no, I didn’t buy that Jack “hit” in the bar because I can’t imagine drinking making his appeal less attractive.
Jack’s problem is that he’s still stuck with Kara and her sister/daughter. Do they have a cute relationship? certainly. Have they walked a good path? Absolutely.
This still doesn’t explain why Jack wants to keep the relationship. Especially when the relationship ends more than he actually is.
Sabina Gadecki (the best in Los Angeles) Cara has disappeared since Fire Country Season 2 Episode 5. It’s great that he wants to take care of a generation and be her father, but now it’s time for the character to let go.
The general needs to go out with her biological father and Idaho or anywhere.
Also, when Jake needs to put that pretty face there along the “Dad” road along the “Dad” road along the “Dad” road.
At least, it will free him some time to be friends, because Eve certainly needs one.
Firefighting nations have reached another fork on the road and they can go back or push the story. It all depends on the level of creativity of the show
While this isn’t the first time Sanyan died in a convoy, Rebecca died at the end of Season 1, Episode 15 of Fire Country Country, which is probably avoidable.
When birch dies, we may all think of the same thing: if Eve had sent him to the infirmary, he might have lived.
But, I was thinking about “when”. Especially when it doesn’t undo all the amazing things that Sanyan has done.
Eve spent time and effort to be the captain who might be proud of. Nevertheless, it could destroy her for the foreseeable future.
Once, Manny’s experience as captain might be the only thing that can get Eve in this tragedy.
Hopefully none of this will come back on the eve. Protecting such things must be provided because it is still the call of birch and not to receive advanced care.
It would be a shame to see all the hard work Eve and Manny put into Fire Country Season 3, just washed it away by an unfortunate accident.
In addition, just to briefly trace back, what happened to Sanyan’s female prisoner? Is that part of the program closed?
Oh well. CBS Fire Nation still has a lot of side characters to send and/or kill. Half the fun never knows who left the country or who will end up falling under the tree.
Do you think Bode will start using the medication again?
Is it inappropriate to have a salon hung up like this on what happened thirty years ago?
Please comment below to let me know what you think and join me again as I review another episode of Fire Country!
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