Reviewer Rating: 4.6/5.0
Yo, what a great episode! It’s been a while since a TV series has done such a good job of introducing new characters. Maybe this is the actor. Maybe this is the character. But it worked.
That’s why this Fire Nation Season 3 Episode 5 review will be full of praise for the newest member of the Fire Nation family.
Capt. Camden Casey is the instructor for Cal Fire’s Phase III cadet training.
As if the new firefighters weren’t exciting enough, we also celebrated the reopening of Smokey’s Restaurant, through emergency landings, stranded tourists, and hellfire.
The episode begins on a disappointing note, after Bode and Gabriella have another hookup in the RV still parked at the fire department.
Despite ending a relationship, Gabriella continued to use Bode to satisfy her physical needs. For him, this was the start of something serious. For her, it was a solution. It’s a way to distract yourself from all the shit you’re screwing up.
Sorry sister, but there is no compassion here. You are in the middle of a mess of your own making.
If she had postponed her wedding to Diego as he proposed, she would not have gone into debt to pay off his family for the unfinished wedding. Now, she’s living in an RV that Bode can use as he tries to move out of his parents’ house.
We’ve all noticed that Diego has been missing from the past few episodes. Now we know he is gone for good. Poor guy.
Not that anyone blamed him. Why stay in a small town where you’re stuck in a small space with your ex and the person she left you for, while working with her every day as her boss?
Honestly, she probably did him a favor in the long run. She was a mess. This has been the case since the show began. She needs some time to get her life back to normal before resuming any relationship.
Now, she’s stuck in self-destructive mode. For this audience, the autofocus is annoying.
First, stop being so thirsty. Trying to get Bode to sneak in a hookup during a shift while still in Phase 3 training with a new tough boss is not responsible behavior.
Especially when you get a ride in a fire station RV filled with strangers seeking shelter after an emergency landing. Not to mention most CFDs, including your dad and friends.
Great way to stay on the DL.
Jack and Eve have discovered that she and Bode are messing around again. But they didn’t know she lived at the fire station. Neither did Manny.
Manny doesn’t know anything about Gabriella because she’s too busy being a brat. Yes, he’s back in jail. He made a mistake. Caused the first Station 42 Fire Department fire. But please go beyond it. Everyone is screwed.
Come on in, fanatics. Is she right to be angry at Manny? Or is she selfish?
It’s disappointing to see the tension between Bode and Manny. Their relationship has been extremely close since the show began. I’m sure some of us understand why Manny was against Bode and Gabriella being together.
This viewer couldn’t agree more. As Manny said, they weren’t nice to each other.
Bode’s shameful behavior in the opening scene proves this. Bode is on the road to redemption. He is trying to live his life right and prove that he has changed.
It’s not right to be with someone who is ashamed of your relationship. Bode is more than just a piece of meat. He deserves flowers, public recognition and gold.
Speaking of gold, who would love to see more of James now that we’re talking about 24K? She has a natural counterpart to Bode, and they’re very similar. She made a great firefighter and an even better bar singer.
Maybe my music-addicted brain was over-flooded with serotonin from jamming with Vince and James, but I wanted more Audrey in any way possible.
If I’d had a crush on her before, I fell in love with her after her piercing ballads seemed to be a wake-up call for Bode. Hopefully we’ll see more of her and Vince on stage, as Smokey belongs to the Leones and Bode behind the bar.
I almost prefer her spin-off to the Sheriff drama the network is developing. No offense, Baccarin. I’m a music fan.
This episode reveals more about James’ romantic status. It was confirmed that she had a boyfriend, but they were in a long-distance relationship.
If you notice the little clues (maybe this is why I’m so good at The Masked Singer), like James browsing houses with her boyfriend, you’ll notice that she’s looking at two types of houses.
So this viewer’s idea of how her future could go one of two interesting ways.
There was chemistry between Audrey and Bode. So the first option is for Border to take a step back from Gabriella and start something with James. This viewer supports this! After all, she said she prefers ATVs and meteor showers, both of which are native to Northern California.
Bode, my friend. That’s your girl. Get her!
But her boyfriend was sending photos of Southern California beaches. Rumor has it that the latest Fire Nation spinoff will take place in Southern California, with Camden Casey set to star.
After meeting Cassie (Jared Padalecki), I couldn’t wait to try this spin-off of the series. So, if Audrey doesn’t become a Fire Nation regular, maybe she’ll join the ranks in Fire Nation: Surfside.
Now, Kathy is Audrey’s training officer. But there’s a spark of sex when Audrey blows off the roof of Smokey’s house.
Scarabjuice, what is that?
So a second option might be for her to move south to be with her boyfriend and work with Camden because he knows her skills – and boy, does she have them.
Or, she moves in with her boyfriend but ends up with Casey.
Now that I’ve talked so much about Camden Casey, let’s move on to our thoughts on him.
If you’ve read our Fire Nation Season 3 Episode 5 spoilers or the recent press releases regarding Padalecki’s arrival in the Fire Nation, you know Camden will be a whiskey and a cup of tea.
That means not everyone will like him. But those who liked him did it because he inspired them.
Jack and Sharon fall into the category of people who don’t like ATMs.
Casey is confident and bold, and trains firefighters in Phase 3 in his own way.
Casey wants to help Border become the best he can be because he knows it’s possible. Among the hundreds of fire cadets training in Camden, he had never seen anyone like Bode.
It’s so weird to see Bode try to follow the rules, only to be told to ignore them and do whatever the boss says. Poor Bode is probably as confused as a puppy trying to figure out his loyalties to his recently divorced parents.
But there’s a reason Camden wanted to teach Border how to rely on his instincts.
He has a sad backstory, which I thought was a nice homage to Tiyot’s other show, SEAL Team. Throughout it all, we hear frequently that an elite unit of SEALs has been killed, leaving only one member behind.
The member joined the show in SEAL Team Season 7 to fill the void left by Clay’s (Thierio) death, which impacted the series finale.
Casey lost nine firefighters in a horrific fire. He blames himself for his survival and their deaths because he ignored his instinct to follow the rules. Given Baldur’s heroic outlaw tendencies, validating rule violations is a deadly weapon.
Sharon wouldn’t like this.
Jack’s approach was the opposite of Kathy’s. He’s like Sharon, who would rather overprotect Bode from himself and everything around him than allow him to find his own way.
Sharon and Jack nearly lost their minds as Bode stood on top of the plane to put out the cockpit fire. As a fire cadet, he shouldn’t be doing this. But Casey followed his instincts and let Bode go, turning him into an internet celebrity.
Jack tells Kathy Border it’s hard to be captain. But is he?
Bode and Camden get along well, with Camden using Bode’s fearlessness to his advantage. It seems that Jack means more like Bode is difficult to control.
Who is right? Jack or Camden?
Bode is a loose cannon. Is it a good idea to let him develop gangster habits? At least he complied with his new boss’s orders, even if they ignored CFD rules.
But then again, Camden seems to be marching at its own pace, regardless of the rules. Look how we know Him!
Our first meeting with the maverick Southern California firefighter will forever remain etched in my memory as one of my favorite scenes.
Walk into a Northern California bar wearing a Dodgers jersey, jeans and flip-flops, put Tom Petty on the jukebox, then throw your shoes at a muscular body to start a fight.
Then, flick a guy with a coin and end the fight with salt and pepper? CBS, we agree with your decision to spin off. make it happen!
Camden didn’t start the bar fight just to cause trouble. The men targeted Bode, blaming him for Diego’s departure. But instead of Bode losing his cool and getting into trouble, Casey comes to the rescue.
This is a fun way to meet your boss for the first time.
First impressions have to instill some loyalty in a guy like Bode. His boss had just dealt with a bunch of angry drunks so he wouldn’t get into trouble.
Kathy is quick and able to come up with unconventional ideas. From interrupting a fight to putting out a luggage fire at the fire station, it backfires and turns into a raging fire from hell.
Of course, our favorite firefighters have to deal with fires that keep burning, even while underwater. Like it?
Cool, but uh oh.
He even had the bright idea of dragging the burning pallet outside and letting it burn since they couldn’t put it out. Two interior fires seemed too much for a fire station.
Granted, the cause of the station fire this season was a stupid plane passenger who couldn’t be bothered to get out and light a fire. Not a fire chief in overprotective mode throwing punches at the bad guys.
Even if a bad guy donates a kidney, he is still a good guy. Yes, Sharon did not experience kidney rejection.
We also rejoice in the good news about Eve’s family’s path to reconciliation. She reconciles with her brother – who initially offended this viewer – and discovers she’s going to be an aunt.
But only if she reconnects with her parents. We doubt it will be as easy as it was with her siblings. This may sound crazy, but I wish the family drama was a little longer.
I’m excited to see more of her personal life. Hopefully we’ll see her find love soon too.
What did you think of Fire Nation Season 3 Episode 5 and the introduction of Camden Casey? What do you think of Jared Padalecki’s performance as the Surf Fire Chief? Is this show enough to get you interested in a series spinoff starring Cassie?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
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