Toys R Us is launching a new reality competition series on Fox Alternative Entertainment. Toy Store Series, titled Toys R Us Family Faceoff Under development.
The company is working on the project through its Toys R Us Studios division and is partnering with Known Originals, the studio behind Netflix. Jeen Yuhs: The Kanye Trilogy and Amazon’s McDonald’s All-American Games and Fox Entertainment Studios’ unscripted production arm.
The series will seek families to compete in “legendary” toy stores and will incorporate a range of nostalgic and on-trend toys and games from classic toy brands.
Toys “R” Us, like other toy brands such as Barbie owner Mattel and Dungeons & Dragons company Hasbro, has been moving into entertainment over the past few years.
Its studio division was responsible for an ad created using OpenAI’s Sora tool that went viral earlier this summer. The company filed for bankruptcy in 2017 and 2018 and closed all of its U.S. stores by 2021, but has reopened several flagships and other stores in recent years through WHP Global.
Allison Wallach, head of improv at Fox Entertainment Studios, said of the project:
“Toys R Us Family Faceoff Represents the evolution of the family-friendly competition genre, appealing to fans of the iconic toys and games we grew up with… as well as some new ones.
Plus Toys R Us-centric Toys R Us, which combines the world’s favorite toys and games into legendary challenges, it’s going to be a fun time for the whole family.
Does this sound like a series you might enjoy? It can be fun to see some of the old toys we grew up with.
By: Deadline