Kat and Jacob sat in front of the burned rubble of Elijah. Only one of them can go home because Elijah needs help. Jacob tells Kate that she has to deal with Thomas anyway, so she should stay.
Elliott’s face would fall when he learned that Kat was getting help from Thomas.
Del is ready to throw Colton’s trash away, but she then tells Alice back to 1974 and gets some answers. Anyway, her memory was messed up.
Jacob reads about wildfires online. The fire will pollute the vines in the next few years, making the wine unpalatable.
You and I have experienced dark times, but luck runs out, Thomas. What if something happened to her or Jacob? Their family will never know. Thomas tells Kat that if something happened to her time, he wouldn’t be able to contact her. She thought the fire was a wake-up call. You can’t cheat forever.
Elliot found something in the clock. It is metal.
Lewis was pleased that Jacob worked with him as it returned to the early days of the port with two families. Jacob could barely wipe the contempt on his face, and his eyes darkened as he looked at the tank.
Evie is happy to see Alice when she returns. Colton just learned that the producer loved his presentation and hoped Colton and Alice were in San Francisco. Evie is happy to be a Colton group. Colton said it was a new road, and he hoped it would end with Delilah.
Alice wants to ride with Colton, but Evie has something to say to Alice and let her come back.
Danny is very excited about Jacob working in the vineyard, but Jacob wants Danny’s safety regulations. This won’t be very good.
Evie told Alice that she hopes to use the road trip to get it close to Colton. Alice barely accepted it and noticed it. Alice said that dreams are not everything, but Evie disagrees. When Colton asked her to join, she saw Alice’s face lit up. A random girl quoted Ts Elliot: “Foots echoed in memory, along the passage we did not bring, towards the door we never opened.”
She said, be the one who opens the door. Fixed the issue. Life is too short, regret.
Susanna tells Kat about her book. She knew she wasn’t safe now. If Cyrus dies, she has no defensive power, and if he is alive, he is still her property. Susanna should have Cyrus change her wishes and leave everything to her, not her son. She had to live during this time thinking it was possible.
Alice discovers Colton is trying to jump and pretends that he doesn’t know what he’s doing there.
The smoke destroyed Cyrus’ throat. He may never speak again.
Colton believes in Grandma’s story about the pond. She made him swear and didn’t enter the pond until he grew up. But then he had to save Evie, who thought she was just telling a story when he was stuck in a weed.
When he finally jumped (or fell) for another reason, he ended in 1814. Using Jasper’s folk songs, he tells them about potatoes and rye.
Grandma said he was proud to save his family from hunger and told them that their future had violated the rules. Colton wrote these messages in Alice’s books, telling her that she was right and that the pond was magical.
But then Delira arrives and everything changes. When Rick died, he tried to stop the accident, but he ended it in 1816 and saw comments he caused with potatoes and rye.
He tried to jump today, but now the pond is not working because he broke the rules. Of course, she knew it wasn’t how it works, but God forbidden her to tell him the truth about her desperate desire for herself. He does admit that he thinks she is a time traveler, she says no. But she did believe him.
Susanna wants Cyrus to face justice. So from now on, she will be his voice, as she thinks it is appropriate to run the port. He agreed (not that he had other options).
When Colton got home, Delhira was waiting for him. As Alice looked at it, he immediately proposed. She walked away.
Del looked at the letters she had been receiving and returned to peeking at the clip.
Alice wonders what brought her back to the port, but Del is not ready to tell her. Instead, she remembered Colton’s proposal. She is the only way.
She expects a warm welcome on her birthday, but her parents remain silent. They lost everything. Money is their identity, without it, they changed. They no longer see her. It seems she doesn’t exist.
They are very confused about what they have lost. That’s what they care about. They lost her, too. They even sold her horse before saying goodbye.
Thomas asks him and Kate’s fate. She didn’t know. He admitted that he was trying to find her. She said it would never work. The pond won’t let him jump off in time. If they were to pursue this, she would have to give up his life to join him.
He would never ask her to do so. She told him that people’s lives have reasons, a season or a lifetime. Thomas said it was a good season of hell. Kate said it was more than just a season.
Because of him, she knew the love she wanted. She wants unwavering support and passion, and she wants to be challenged by someone who loves her. Thomas is not a season, he is the reason.
Thomas wants to know Elliot. Will he be her life? She said no one should know their future. But he said, but we know our people won’t spend together. He plans to take a boat to New York.
Kate: Hello, my Thomas.
Thomas: My Thomas. I like its sound.
She was crying as he walked out the door.
After Delilah returned, Colton canceled his plans for San Francisco. She asked if he was sure, he was. This is his happiest ending.
When Elliot asked him to bring back 1816, Jacob looked around in Elliot’s fireplace.
Kat promises that Elijah will be fine, but she is not sure about herself and she will cry. Elliot came out. Did I say Mao?
Can Elliot smile once?
She said it was amazing. He is great. Then Eliot met Elijah. From a historical perspective, I’m excited for Elliot. Thomas didn’t go too far, though, and he and Elliot grabbed their eyes and nodded as if they were passing through the torch. Well, hairy.
Evie is so sad. She is alone – against the world. No dreams. Alice reminds her that dreams are everything. Don’t stop living. Travel and meet people. Life can get so small if allowed, so don’t end it. Alice tells Evie that I’ve been by your side all the time.
Susanna comes to Elijah’s rescue. If history is friendly to Cyrus Goodwin, it’s because Susanna sets it like this.
The port needs heroes; Susanna says it will be her. Kat was surprised that no one forced her to pull up Cyrus’ chapter. Now, she introduces “Her Elliot,” Elliot Augustine. He actually laughed, and I think it was the second we’ve ever seen.
Del tells Alice that he did indeed travel. Delira can stay in Legmore as long as she wants. She didn’t even say goodbye to Colton. Evie wants Colton to let go because she is his best friend. She told Delhira: “You owe me one, Delhira.”
Alice met Evie’s keychain. Max tells her everything about Evie’s life. Incredibly cynical, yet full of life. She married Young and changed her name after the end. She and Max grabbed each other. When she was sick, Max couldn’t handle it and missed her phone the night she had passed. He is scared and he will regret it for the rest of his life.
Alice will fall in love with Max because he is the closest thing she lives with friends. “Even if you are afraid of life, embrace life because you can’t follow your dreams when you stand still.” This is the message left on the night Evie died.
Alice tells Kat that like in 1999, she and Evie are probably best friends. But then Kat told Alice to play the game before leaving the camp. Alice doesn’t remember, but Kate says it may not have happened yet. Back in 1999, we left!
Del saw what Jacob was reading on his computer.
Elliot is about to read Alice again in 1999, but Alice tells him not. You won’t tell someone about their future, whether they can live.
Del rushed to the brewery in time to stop Jacob. She shouted at him, let go, get in the truck and drive. She was begging him.
Everything was caught by the camera.