Reviewer Rating: 4.5/5.0
After a great episode, we’re breaking down all our feelings about Grey’s Anatomy Season 21 Episode 3.
The hour is packed with enough interesting patients to hold my attention, as well as a strong emotional storyline for the main character.
Looking back, it’s hard to believe they packed so much into one episode.

Grey’s Anatomy Season 21 Episode 3: An Unforgettable Patient
When I was speculating on what to expect in this Grey’s Anatomy Season 21 Episode 3 spoiler post, I never expected the episode to be so heavy.
First, the patients we meet tonight all have complex stories.
One woman refused to sign a DNR (because she was waiting for her ex-husband to die first – what an icon).
As Schmidt and Jules tried to talk the patient out of resuscitation attempts, all I could think about was how unsuitable they were.
The poor woman was aware of the risks of performing CPR given her age and wanted unconventional measures anyway. The doctor should leave her alone.
Another patient was a pregnant surrogate for her brother and his husband, who had an inoperable brain tumor. Thankfully, Amelia was able to save her and the baby, as this had the potential to be a truly devastating case.

Another patient at the time was receiving a kidney transplant from Nick, and Nick dragged Richard into the operating room to help.
I know Marsh was just following Meredith’s orders to distract Richard, but I need people on this show to stop forcing that guy to have surgery.
let. Richard. Retire.
The kidney patient (played by “30 Rock’s” Jack McBrayer) must forego general anesthesia, which means he remains awake, open and exposed throughout the procedure.
For some reason, Nick and the interns (Griffith and Adams) think it’s okay to take away the patient’s anxiety during surgery.
Anxiety from surgery is completely normal, and if I had to go through something as drastic as a kidney transplant sober, I would be completely devastated.

Grey’s Anatomy Season 21 Episode 3 Katherine’s health takes a turn for the worse
I need Nick to take some sensitivity training sessions and learn to take his patients’ mental health more seriously.
While we’re talking about this episode’s patients, we can’t forget about Katherine.
Meredith and Bailey want a quick liver biopsy (using something that looks a lot like Claire’s puncture gun), but this is Grey’s Anatomy, so things go awry.
As Katherine tries to bleed out on the table, Meredith calls to let Richard in on Katherine’s big secret.
I was shocked when Richard walked up to Meredith with anger about the whole situation.
First, she had just saved Catherine’s life, so a little gratitude was probably in order.

But more importantly, she followed Catherine’s orders to stay quiet. In fact, she was blackmailed into doing so.
Even if she wasn’t, HIPAA is an issue, so Meredith’s hands are legally tied.
But after everything they’ve been through, Richard is angry that Meredith didn’t tell his wife what happened.
I can’t really tell whether Meredith had an ethical obligation to fill out Richard’s information, but she certainly had a legal obligation to protect the patient’s privacy.
Now that Catherine has come to her senses, at least she’s showing some gratitude.
Bailey is officially back at work, which means (sadly) we’ve seen the last of Sydney’s herons – at least for now.

Sydney Heron quits again, but not before she reads Ben for Filth
Before packing his bags, Sidney made sure to hire Ben back to Gray Sloan’s residency program.
It’s great to have him back at Gray Sloan. Hopefully this means we’ll also see some other familiar faces from Station 19.
I was happy to see Ben, but I have to say it was nice to see Sydney call him out. It’s about time someone added fuel to the fire because he has a mid-life crisis every five to seven business years.
In an interview with Heron, Ben boasted about his work experience as an anesthesiologist, surgical resident, and firefighter.
But Sidney points out that his constant need to change is a problem, and she’s absolutely right.
As we look back on Ben’s time as a resident, it’s clear that he lives for excitement. Remember when he cut people open with a clipboard and gave birth to C-sections in the hallway?

His experience as a firefighter proves he loves the adrenaline rush.
I would say he has grown a lot in the last ten years. Time will tell if he can be relaxed enough to do his job without overstepping his boundaries.
Yasuda’s heartbreaking revelation
Early in the episode, we saw a Micah/Jules moment that rivaled their elevator kiss in Grey’s Anatomy Season 21 Episode 2.
But the relationship came to an abrupt end when Mika learned her sister had cancer and the two broke up.
Of course, I would miss the elevator make-out session. But now I simply can’t blame Micah for needing Jules’ friendship more.
While their breakup is indeed a loss for many LGBTQ+ fans, I hope we get to see other queer relationships (like Amelia and Beltran!) flourish this season.

grey’s anatomy sailboat
As for the other couples on the show, things are looking brighter.
Griffith and Adams ran into trouble related to nepotism, but it quickly passed.
They’re official, and they’re so cute.
Meredith and Nick seem to be doing fine, but I can’t help but notice that their relationship is still as one-sided as before.
I don’t really care, though, because Nick is such a convenient character for me. He’s literally providing companionship to Meredith, helping her rid the world of Alzheimer’s and save lives.
But no matter what, I’m glad they’re happy.

A trip down memory lane on Grey’s Anatomy Season 21 Episode 3
This episode gave us a look at some similarities to Grey’s Anatomy’s past.
Kwan is very similar to Karev, whose character seemed shallow at first but grew into a complex and brilliant man (at least until his Grey’s Anatomy exit, but I digress ).
Yasuda’s preference for keeping a distance from patients’ families is reminiscent of a young Cristina Yang.
Even having to repeat his internship for a year, Adams closely resembled George O’Malley.
Amelia faces a host of impossible cases and patients hoping for a miracle. It reminded me of the mission her late brother had undertaken so many years ago.
This season is going to be a great mix of new and nostalgic stories, and I’m excited to see where it goes.

now you!
This is what I know right now, but I’d like to hear your thoughts!
Let me know what you thought of these episodes in the comments.
Who is your favorite character so far and who among the older cast do you miss the most?
Tune in to the new episode next Thursday at 10/9c on ABC.
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