Halyna Hutchins’ mother Olga Solovey will not attend the film’s premiere in Poland rust On Wednesday, she said Alec Baldwin’s handling of his daughter’s death continued to “exacerbate my pain.”
“I have always wanted to see my daughter in Poland and see her work come to life on screen,” Solovy said in a statement to CNN. hollywood reporter Tuesday. “Unfortunately, everything was taken away from me when Alec Baldwin shot and killed my daughter.”
rust The film is set to premiere at Poland’s Camerimage International Film Festival on Wednesday, more than three years after a bullet fired from a revolver held by the film’s star and producer Baldwin killed Hutchins, the film’s cinematographer.
“Alec Baldwin’s refusal to apologize to me or accept responsibility for her death continues to exacerbate my pain,” Soloway’s statement continued. “Instead, he sought to gain unjust justice from the murder of my daughter. Interest. This is why I refused to participate in the propaganda festival. rustespecially now that my daughter still hasn’t gotten justice.
Baldwin’s manslaughter trial ended in July, with the case dismissed after last-minute hearings on how police and prosecutors handled the small number of bullets. rust A Santa Fe jury found armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed guilty of manslaughter on March 6 and is currently serving an 18-month sentence.
“Although Mr. Baldwin shot and killed Halina, he never called them to apologize,” Gloria Allred, an attorney for the Hutchins family, said in a statement. THR. She also noted that Baldwin “disrespected Halina’s mother, father and sister,” and that in addition to his lack of apology, “worse, he argued through his lawyers that Halina was emotionally distant from her family in Ukraine.” .This is wrong, hurtful and insulting.
Her statement concluded: “The decision not to even call the family to apologize was cruel and an insult to Halina and her memory. Now, the decision has been made to move forward with rust sold to buyers in order to generate profits for Alec Baldwin and others involved in Halina’s death,” noting that the family “would not agree to exploit this incident of Halina’s death. plan.
as a ticket rust The premiere was released on Camerimage in the early hours of Tuesday morning, but the site briefly crashed due to a surge in demand.
premiere rust After the decision was announced a month ago, some immigrants took to social media to argue that the decision was a vulgar propaganda move given that the work’s creation resulted in the death of a compatriot. The festival stressed, however, that the premiere only commemorated the work and wishes of Hutchins, a former “Camerimage” participant who had privately told her collaborators that she hoped her work would one day be screened there. . Photography and video director Kazimierz Suwała said THR In an interview before the festival, Baldwin was deliberately not invited because his presence at the event might be distracting. He added, “Halyna’s mother is Ukrainian and if she could leave her country she would attend the screenings, but it is not easy now because of the war.”
THR Camerimage was contacted for comment on Solovey and Allred’s statements but no immediate response was received. THR Publicists representing the producers were also contacted. rust Provide a statement.