Fun trailer for Hulu action comedy series Inside Chinatown Released, starring Jimmy O. Young As Willis, Mr. Qian, Chloe Bennett, Lisa Gilroy, Sullivan Jones, Gao Yaqiand Diana Lin. The series was created and written by Charles YuAdapted from the novel of the same name, author: Eva Anderson / Naim Boyle / Greg Cabrera / Keiko Green / Matthew Okumura / Lauren Otero / Alex Russell / Saba Sagafiand Su Tingting. Episodes of the show are produced by Stephanie Lane, John Lee, Pete Chatmon, Jaafar Mahmoud, Ben Sinclair, Anu Walia, Alice Wu, and Taika Waititi.
The summary is as follows:
The series, adapted from Charles Yu’s award-winning book of the same name, tells the story of Willis Wu, a background character trapped in the police procedural “Black and White.” Willis retreated into the background, repeating his on-screen job as a waiter, dreaming of the world outside Chinatown, and longing to be the protagonist of his own story. When Willis unintentionally becomes a witness to a crime, he begins to unravel Chinatown’s criminal web while discovering his family’s buried history and what it’s like to be in the spotlight.
Looks like this is going to be a great original series! The story gives people a fresh and exciting feeling, and has a very comedic tone. I’m looking forward to watching it. Check out the trailer below and watch Inside Chinatown It will air on Hulu on November 19th.