Warner Bros. Animation and Bad Robot are developing an animated film adaptation of Bad Robot strange emilyis a beloved character from artist Rob Reger and his company, Cosmic Debris.
J.J. Abrams will make this movie Pamela Ribon (Moana, Ralph Breaks the Internet and Nimona) settings to write scripts.
Warner Bros. released the video graphic below to announce the news.
strange emily It tells the story of a mysterious, eccentric 13-year-old girl with a unique style and unusual worldview. She is known for her dark clothing, raven hair, and signature scowl.
Emily is an outsider who embraces her individuality and weirdness, viewing the world through a lens that is both dark and whimsical. Together with her four black cats—Mystery, Miles, Sabbath, and Nicky—she embarks on an adventure that blurs the lines between reality and the surreal.
Emily lives in a world of strange inventions, bizarre mysteries, and dark humor. She’s a very interesting character with a certain intelligence, curiosity, deadpan humor and unapologetic self-expression that fans love.
world strange emily Including horror, punk, and gothic aesthetics, the characters find themselves navigating friendships, strange encounters, and strange dilemmas.
Emily first appeared on skateboards, stickers and T-shirts in the 1990s, and her brand has since expanded into multi-million dollar figures, books, comics, games, apparel and merchandise.
Creator Rob Reger “The creative and executive teams we’ve assembled for this film are incredible,” said the company in a statement. “Everyone brings a keen perspective and understanding of the unique relationship between Weird Emily and our ‘real world.'” Contact shows understanding and respect.
“Emily celebrates all things weird and different, which in turn makes the weird and unusual in all of us feel less alone. Bringing Emily’s universe and the many myths we’ve created over the years to life, Truly one of Emily’s biggest nightmares.
Bill Damashk“Emily is an enduring pop culture icon of individuality and empowerment, and Pamela Ribon has a unique and iconic voice,” said President of Warner Bros. Animation.
“As Warner Bros. Animation, we are honored to be working with Bad Robot Rob. [Reger] and trevor [Duke-Moretz] Bringing Weird Emily to the big screen.
John AgbajiBad Robot Senior Vice President of Animation added: “At Bad Robot, we want to push the boundaries of what’s possible in animation. Emily is a character who refuses to be defined by others, and she’s the perfect opportunity to do just that.
“We’re excited to add her world to our animated feature slate. The team we’ve assembled is passionate about Strange Emily, what she represents to date, and what she will mean to future generations.
This should be a fun movie!