This week’s Will Trent episode, “The Kids Will Be Well,” publishes an original, emotional story that delves into the world of swingers, drug crime and betrayal. The point is Deion Smith, son of Agent Phice Mitchell (Iantha Richardson), whose dream of becoming a music producer blinds him about hidden dangers.

“The kids will get better” – Trent, playing Deion Smith as Jeremy Mitchell. Photo: Wilford Harewood/Disney©2025 Disney. all rights reserved.
Like Rafael Wexford, the outstanding repetitive guest star Antwayn Hopper vividly brings these threats to life. The elaborate plot is built on an epic confrontation that has been steadily brewing throughout the season, and it’s another big reason to keep watching Will Trent. But the plots of secondary crime are lacking compared to the compelling entanglements in the main cast.
The episode alternates between the cases between the Atlanta Police Department and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation as usual. In APD, detectives Angie Polaski (Erika Christensen) and Michael Ormewood (Jake McLauglin) must address the suffocation death of a woman named Lilith in a romantic main club. Coroner Pete Chin (Kurt Yue) claims Lilith had rough sex due to evidence of repeated trauma.
Was her death an unfortunate accident? Is it murder? APD didn’t know, but they interviewed a series of suspects, including Lilith’s partner and submissive Albert. Albert initially told detectives Polaski and Ormewood that he didn’t like suffocating Lilith, especially when she asked him to put maximum pressure on him. He only likes to watch.
Albert lied, but eventually, he admitted the fact: Lilith loved him, especially during their intimate moments. Their relationship is agreed, based on mutual affection, and Albert never intends to hurt her. Realizing that he wasn’t a cold-blooded killer, Angie began to explore other explanations of Lilith’s death. Her investigation also provides a convenient excuse to reconnect with her new romantic interest, Seth McDale (Scott Foley).
Earlier in the episode, Dr. Seth tries to charm Angie openly, by picking on how close he is to his mom. Without a mother, Angie grew up without a mother and struggled with self-disclosure. Angie violates his privacy when Seth leaves the bathroom and asks her to reveal something personal when she returns. She noticed his wedding ring and his wife’s pictures, misunderstood the situation and made unnecessary assumptions. Angie leaves before Seth returns.

“The kids will get better” – Picture (LR) will be: Kevin Daniels as Franklin and Jake McLauglin as Michael Ormewood. Photo: Zak Popik/Disney © 2025 Disney. all rights reserved.
Dr. Seth faces Angie in front of Kevin Daniels and Michael, who are both fun in Angie’s love life. When Angie accuses Seth of having a wife, he reveals that she is dead. Seth puts their relationship on “pause.” Angie immediately realized that she had made a mistake. Franklin agreed, calling on her to put Seth to his best moments while allowing him to see only her worst moments. Angie knows she has a job to reconcile with Seth. Under the guise of investigating Lilith’s murder, she invaded his workplace like her workplace.
Dr. Seth and his interns played a key role in solving Lilith’s murder. They worked together to provide police with a comprehensive partisan drug list to expand toxicology testing. The results showed that Lilith died of cardiac arrest due to mixing alcohol with gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB). Angie apologizes to Seth, explaining the reasons behind her false assumptions about his personal life. Seth immediately forgives her and praises her sincere apology and accountability. Their reconciliation peaked with a passionate kiss.

“The Kids Will Be Well” – Go Pictures, Pictures (LR): Erika Christensen plays Angie Polaski and Scott Foley as Seth McDale. Photo: Daniel Delgado Jr./Disney ©2025 Disney. all rights reserved.
An ambush left H. Beltline (Laronn Marzett), a member of the rap duo, dead while his partner, New Milli (Marcus Gladney Jr.) injured. When Trent arrived at the scene, he soon determined that Beltline’s death was targeted. The case took a huge turn when rival rapper Slo Blizzy (Cris Ruiz) posted a video showing off his murder weapon. However, SLO Blizzy eventually died. With the new Millie as the last one, he eventually admitted to killing Beltline and Slo Blizzy. The motive behind the double murder proved disappointing and would manage to extract confessions easily.

“Kids Will Be OK” – Alternative Pictures, Pictures (LR): Ira D. Carmichael as producer, Deion Smith as Jeremy Mitchell, Iantha Richardson as Faith Mitchell, Antwayn Hopper as Rafael Wexford, Ramon Rodriquez as Will Trent.
all rights reserved. The more interesting part of the story involves Agent Faith Mitchell and will reveal a stunning connection: The studio is owned by infamous drug dealer Rafael Wexford. Faith, coupled with the tension, found her son Jeremy working in the studio, effectively making him an employee of Rafael Wexford.
Fez warns her son Jeremy about the dangerous company he keeps, but he rejects her concerns and insists that she supports her support rather than her intervention. When his advice to his mother goes against abnormality, he finds himself “educated” in response to the classic lines of Pearl Jam. Jeremy was fired, and his despair of success drove him along a dangerous road. Faced with moral dilemma, he made a destiny promise for Raphael: “I will do anything.”

“The kids will be fine” – Picture, Picture: Alex Bernadotte serves as anesthesiologist. Photo: Zac Popik/Disney©2025 Disney. all rights reserved.
The episode doesn’t explain why, but arresters allow Jeremy to call Will Trent. Jeremy begged Will not to tell his mother, admitting, “I made a mistake.” He would firmly answer, “I’m not breaking the law for you.” When Jeremy claimed he had no choice, Will retorted that he should think twice before joining Rafael, pointing out that he has no “good choice” right now. Under pressure from arresting officials, moral complaints threatening to interfere with the bust will be designated Jeremy as a Confidential Informer (CI). He gave Jeremy a last pass to: “It either becomes CI or jail.” Jeremy agreed and asked him what he needed. He will be instructed to provide drugs, observe, listen and report as planned. The two agreed to arrange for privacy.
“Children will be OK” cleverly explores the delicate balance between desire and despair, weaving a compelling narrative with consequences in every choice. With Will and Jeremy’s efforts to cover up their secrets, the tension is bound to escalate in future plots. This sets the stage for the battle between the individual and professional worlds, and firm building will become an essential television in ABC’s Tuesday prime-time lineup.
Do you think Will made a mistake with Jeremy? His ambitions, justice and faith family went too far to him? Please let me know in the comments.
Overall rating: