The fiercest, strongest woman you could want comes to Law & Order.
Law & Order Season 24 Episode 2 hooks up with Benson at her best: passionate, determined, and fearlessly standing up to those she works with to pursue justice for rape survivors.
This version of Benson is less bound by the emotional baggage he’s carried over the past few years and more closely resembles the idealistic rookie cop who first appeared on our screens 25 years ago.
Benson isn’t afraid to confront her co-workers
Law & Order Season 24 Episode 2 Benson’s crossover was unusual in that Benson sided with the defense rather than cooperating with prosecutors.
There have been times before that Price or police have needed her to speak out about witnesses or victims of sexual assault, but not this time.
The story is most similar to Law & Order: SVU Season 6 Episode 8, which involved Benson and Stabler having a heated argument over a rape case.
Then, as now, Benson was passionate, determined and determined to get justice for the victims.
This is what Benson fans fell in love with and we need more of her!
While Benson can be a character on “Law & Order: SVU,” the show has focused heavily on her mental health issues in recent years.
I know these stories matter. As an advocate for people with mental health issues, I’m glad to see accurate representation on television and a focus on vicarious trauma, which isn’t discussed enough.
However, it goes too far in this direction.
When Benson is on the verge of breaking down instead of continuing to do her job while learning to set boundaries and take better care of herself, the character and the show lose something.
Benson puts justice before professional relationships
One of the best things about Law & Order Season 24 Episode 2’s crossover with Benson is that Benson doesn’t care at all what standing up for this victim will do to her professional relationships.
Angry Benson is the best Benson. She is willing to do anything for social justice.
That was missing from Law & Order: SVU Season 26 Episode 1, when Benson didn’t put up a serious fight with higher-ups who wanted to suppress the prosecution of some anti-police protesters because they thought it looked bad .
This may be because she is saving all her energy to work hard for the next battle! In this story, Benson is at her worst female self.
She began to communicate with Law & Order Season 24 Episode 2 Benson through appropriate channels, calling on the police and prosecutors to consider Laura’s criminal circumstances before trying the case.
But when that didn’t work, she didn’t give up. Her fighting power is doubled.
Benson’s willingness to fight for the survivors is actually a TV trope, but it’s also what I love most about her.
She was the strong protector I wish I could have turned to in high school when I had unwanted physical contact with a group of cisgender boys who never faced any consequences for their actions.
Benson has always been the hero the survivors needed, but Law & Order: SVU Season 25 almost took her away from us, replacing her with a man who was obsessed with Maddie Flynn and in need of emergency treatment.
On “SVU,” she slowly rediscovered herself, but in the “Law & Order” Season 24 Episode 2 Benson crossover, she took it all the way.
My favorite moment was when “someone” leaked to the press that the DNA from the rape kit was being used for other purposes without their consent, and Benson’s comment was, “I wonder who did it.”
The price is outrageous. What a shame, so sad.
Maybe he shouldn’t have used the DNA provided to catch the rapist to facilitate the arrest of the victim.
Law & Order Season 24 Episode 2 What happens to SVU’s relationship with Homicide after the Benson connection?
I love Benson’s no-nonsense attitude. She did whatever she had to do, at the expense of her relationship with Price and everyone else involved in the case.
Still, the consequences are inevitable. After all, she did betray the trust of some people by leaking the news about the DNA issue.
I believe she won’t regret what she did. She is working for the greater good. But it could still come back to bite her in the ass.
This is especially interesting considering that Law & Order: SVU Season 26’s newest cast member was a recent transfer from Homicide, but she won’t talk about why she changed jobs.
Benson may need some insight from Jessica Brady on this, but she may not be able to get it due to her choices here.
However, that doesn’t change my opinion of her performance in the Benson crossover episode of Law & Order Season 24 Episode 2.
If anything, her choices are more admirable.
She knew leaking information to the press, testifying for the defense and going to Baxter to try to get a plea deal Price didn’t want would turn friends into enemies, but she did them anyway because she knew they were the right thing to do.
In this regard, she is similar to Blue Bloods’ Frank Regan, putting her value system above everything else, including political considerations.
Over to you, fellow Benson fans.
What did you think of Law & Order Season 24 Episode 2 The Benson Connection? What consequences do you foresee from Benson’s choice?
Hit the comments and let us know!
Law & Order and Law & Order: SVU air Thursdays at 8/7c on NBC and Fridays on Peacock
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