independent short film Ludra It’s all about the not-so-little secrets in the grand scheme of things. As a horror film, it works extremely well. This project is the feature debut of producer/writer/director/actor Heather Bayless. She’s doing great here.
30 years ago, a young girl disappeared. She went for a walk in the woods and then disappeared. Her name is Rudra. Detective Todd Richards never believed the little girl was dead. He continues to search for rumors that the mentally retarded girl is still alive.
Heather Bayless is the adult Ludra.
James L. Edwards plays Detective Todd Richards.
Brad Vincent is Dale Gale.
Katie Wells is Sarah.
behind the camera
Ludra It was filmed on location in Ohio. Considering 2K’s budget, the movie looks good. Bayless sets the pace as director and does a great job. The story itself is an intimate one. There are four main characters, and these are not ordinary citizens of small-town America.
Story aside, editing Ludra It’s a little rough in at least one place. Exterior shots with dramatic changes in angle. The sound itself is good, you can easily hear the actors’ voices, and the score isn’t too harsh.
Photography duties are shared by Samuel L. Fronsman and Richard Russell. Russell also edited the film. The video as a whole It seems OK Each scene is rigorously framed to take advantage of the small surroundings and seemingly natural light.
The action choreography for the basement attack scene was a bit boring. The scratches on Todd’s face look pretty good, though. The post-production practical effects were well done.
it works
Bayless gives us a world that could almost be described as “Southern Gothic”* despite being filmed in Ohio. The use of Tasers as a training tool has been found to be perfectly acceptable.
These same “law-abiding citizens” also see nothing wrong with kidnapping and unlawful imprisonment.
Bayless is here to entertain. Using a low-key approach works well, as was the case with the understated presentation of the 2017 rainy season. Using a “less is more” approach, she manages to paint an interesting yet disturbing picture.
The actors all deliver here. Kudos to Brad Vinson for his portrayal of Dale. He really looks ready to take down the detective with extreme prejudice.
Ludra It is a 3 star (out of 5) work. Heather Bayles comes out of the gate strong here. This award-winning short film (approximately 18 and a half minutes long) won the Best First Time Female Director award at the 2024 Stockholm City Film Festival. Most importantly, I enjoyed it. Kudos to Bayless for her stellar performance in her first short film. You can watch the film on YouTube.
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