Watch the trailer for Midday Black Midnight Blue, an upcoming movie starring Merritt Wever, Chris Stack, Samantha Soule, and Will Pullen. Midday Black Midnight Blue follows Ian (Stack) as he grapples with his shifting memories of Liv (Soule), a woman he once loved. For Ian, it’s a chance run-in with Liv’s sister (Wever) that sparks a journey through which he might be able to reconnect to the light and fight his way back to life.
The film is produced by Lovell Holder, Addie Johnson Talbott, Chris Stack, Daniel Talbott, and Samantha Soule. Ann M. Stack, Kip Kroeger, Will Pullen, Conner Marx, and Timothy Farrell serve as executive producers. Midday Black Midnight Blue is written and directed by Samantha Soule and Daniel Talbott.
Midday Black Midnight Blue will be available On Demand on June 16, 2023.