Watch Mustard share his musical beginnings and how collaborations came together for greatness, exclusively for advertising billboard and Honda Stage.
Music is collaborative, you know, I think one way and the next person thinks another way. When you bring two great minds together, you know, you’re going to come up with something great every time. When did I discover my love for music? When I started DJing when I was 11, my uncle was a DJ. I always wanted to be like him and I was DJing at a party. Well, he left me at a party. When I first met Amira, I was really attracted to her voice, loved her voice, loved her voice. But then I looked at her, like her other social outings, and I was like, “Oh, she’s got a lot of personality.” But if you met her, you’d say, “Oh, she’s an interesting person. “When I was working with Amira, sir, you know, stuff like that, I had to trust you first, and I think before I walked into the studio with anyone big or small, I think there had been some degree of respect.