Reviewer Rating: 2.85/5.0
Does Outlander Season 7 Episode 9 resolve the issues we had with Droughtlander between seasons?
Not so much, and there’s a reason for that.
Although it has been more than a year since the eighth episode of “Outlander” season 7 was aired, this is not the beginning of a new season, but a continuation of an ongoing season. The results of this timing were lackluster at best and disappointing at worst.
Outlander isn’t alone in this phenomenon.
“Yellowstone” Season 5 Episode 9 faced a similar challenge. However, after two years of speculation, fans are highly anticipating Kevin Costner’s departure.
For Outlander, The plot is familiar: Jamie disappears and Jamie and Claire return to Lallybroch. Kidnappings and travel are just the norm in this series.
The aptly titled “Unfinished Business” both ends an old storyline and begins a new one.
In Outlander Season 7 Episode 8, Jamie’s cousin is killed in battle and Jamie vows to bring him back to Scotland, leading Jamie and Claire to return to Larry Bloch and meet up with Jenny Reunited with her ailing husband Ian.
Jamie briefly thought about how much he missed Scotland, but he didn’t dwell on it.
One particularly bombastic letter to Bree—part of a collection she discovered and is reading—presages a storm “not of this earth, but of his own making.”
However, if we were supposed to see those shifting winds by the end of this episode, I missed the signs.
Other points also missed the mark.
When Claire finally reveals her time travel secret to the Frasers, there are moments that don’t make sense until later.
The family, long separated, were surprised by the news that Ian had consumption (tuberculosis). Ian’s love for his children was well known, and although he was nearing the end of his life, his family tried to take it in stride.
The Frasers showed a touching acceptance of young Ian’s unique life choices.
They documented his adventures through family letters and even erected a headstone for his deceased daughter Isabel so he would have a place to express his grief when he visited.
However, when Claire reveals the truth about her past, Jenny seems quick to judge her. Claire feels the need to warn them of the coming French Revolution in hopes of saving Michael.
The word “witch” is thrown around loosely, with young Ian calling Claire an “oldie” and Jamie saying there are no words to describe her – although “time traveler” would work too. Didn’t they discuss this issue before?
The timing was not ideal. If Claire has the ability to predict the future, why can’t she save Ian?
Jenny’s accusation—that Claire holds a grudge against her role in Jamie’s marriage to Leary—feels like it’s coming out of nowhere. But, has it been done?
Coincidentally, some of Jamie’s unfinished business involves Leary, but that doesn’t add much to the episode other than a reminder of her role as Marsali’s mother.
Would anyone mind if Jamie never tried to reconcile with her?
Maybe fans know what role she or her daughter Joan (who is now seeking Jamie’s help to join the convent) will play in the future, but I haven’t thought about either character in years.
As the play continues, Claire receives a letter from Lord John informing her that his nephew Henry has been wounded in a musket and requires her to return to Philadelphia to receive surgical expertise.
By this point, Jenny’s anger has subsided, but the organization of Claire’s journey feels contrived. The timing is incredible considering how long it took to cross the Atlantic (over seven weeks) and the fact that Lord John had written to multiple locations before reaching her.
Claire would have to sail back to the colony, which could take months – and by then, it might be too late for surgery. While “Outlander” has a loose sense of time, it can sometimes be stretched too far.
It looks like Jamie, Claire and young Ian received the news just as they settled into Larry Bloch.
Meanwhile, young Ian is caught between his love for Rachel and his duty to his father, torn between whether to stay with Ian until the end or pursue Rachel in accordance with his (and Ian’s) wishes Difficult.
The episode’s most poignant moment is the tender embrace between young Ian and his father, knowing it may be their last. Few people know when you will say goodbye for the last time. I’ve experienced loss myself and wondered if I would stay with my dad or let the love of my life slip away.
The episode also shows Roger and Booker walking through the rocks in search of Rob and Jamie. Upon arrival, their headaches should have been a clue that something was wrong.
Despite the vastly different plots, this episode found several ways to tie them together.
At one point, a knock on the door at Larry Bloch’s house is cleverly edited to make it look like Roger might be reunited with his in-laws. Instead, Roger finds himself face to face with Jamie’s father, Brian Fraser, sooner than expected.
Roger had glimpsed Jenny at the beginning of their marriage when she had just fallen in love with Ian, while Jamie and Claire stayed with Ian as he neared the end of his life.
Roger did not meet Jamie, although it is possible that he did at some point. This will be an interesting twist in their relationship.
His journey also brought him to the doorstep of Gallis Duncan. There’s exciting potential to see Lotte Verbeek return to the role – but only those familiar with the novels will know if that will come to fruition.
Looking ahead, Jamie and Claire are separated again, and Roger and Bree are still apart.
Now, with four plot lines unfolding across three time periods, Outlander faces the challenge of keeping all of them compelling. Is it too much? Time will tell.
There is nothing here worth pondering. It’s more plot than character driven, which has never been my favorite.
As the episode ended, I wondered if the long wait had dulled my excitement, or if there was something else going on.
Has our world changed too much to keep the story engaging, or is it just that we can guess what’s coming, but it’s just not that exciting?
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