Today, another many guests participated in the performance. It was Rachel Reilly Villegas. If so, this is a live and veterinarian. She just completed the task of “the worst chef: hero and villain”, but of course, I want to let her talk about “traitors” this season because she is part of the primitive actor. Many things have to be done, including guessing what will happen tonight, and considering the last place they left with Danielle and Carolyn to start face to face. Today, I had another great conversation with Rachel among the podcasts. Before that, I will give you the content of today’s daily summary. For more thoughts about calling her dad, Grant led ahead, and Dondi has something I have never seen this week. In any case, I am glad to talk to Rachel again, because there is no doubt that we will definitely hear her letter in the future.
Today’s podcast is now on my YouTube channel. Watch, subscribe, like and publish comments here:
You can listen to today’s podcasts on many platforms, but you can also listen to the player below:
subscription: Apple Player,,,,,RSS,,,,, Historic foundation,,,,, Spotify
Music written by Jimmer Podrasky
(B’Jingo Song/Machia Music/Worm Music BMI)
(Spoiler) I first introduce the daily review theme. More about her father’s interview, Grant In the face of narrative, Don Di had something that I have never seen before. Then, Rachel joined me (10:32) to talk about her recently worked on the worst chef, and then sneaked into the third season of “The Traitor”. Who is playing the best chef, why the traitors follow each other, and still There are more.
Instagram- @rachelereillyvillegas
(Spoiler) Your daily review covers more content in her father’s interview, a question that I am curious, single in Han Grant (Grant) ahead of the program’s narrative, and Dondi has done me this week. What has never been seen before.
You can listen to the podcast on many platforms, but you can also listen here:
subscription: Apple Player,,,,,RSS,,,,, Historic foundation,,,,, Spotify
Music written by Jimmer Podrasky
(B’Jingo Song/Machia Music/Worm Music BMI)
Send all links and emails to: Pay attention to me on Twitter, this is: Instagram name is Reality resettlementOr join me Reality Steve Facebook fan pageEssence Talk to you tomorrow.