bill lawrence is officially developing a reboot of his beloved sitcom Scrub on ABC. The show’s creators are developing a new version of the show through 20th Television. The original series was produced by ABC Studios, which was recently folded into 20th TV as part of parent company Disney’s restructuring.
Lawrence remains bound by his overall deal with Warner Bros. Television, which allows Lawrence to work with his former studio partners Scrub.
Lawrence will not serve as showrunner on the new series, according to Variety Scrub Should this project be serialized? At this time, no other deals have been reached and the cast has not yet been confirmed, but it is expected that some of the original stars will eventually sign on.
Scrub The show originally aired on NBC for its first seven seasons from 2001 to 2008, followed by two seasons on ABC from 2009 to 2010.
This single-camera comedy takes place at Sacred Heart Hospital and follows the daily lives of interns, doctors, nurses and janitors at the hospital. The cast includes Zach Braff, Donald Faison, Sarah Chalke, Judy Reyes, Ken Jenkins, John C. McKinleyand Neil Flynn.
i look forward to seeing Scrub return. Will you watch the reboot series?