Clean Slate is a new comedy series from legendary producer Norman Lear. The series tells the story of Harry Slater (George Wallace), an old-school, outspoken Alabama car wash owner, when the estranged child he considers his son returns home to Mobile , being a proud trans woman requires a lot of soul-searching.
Desiree works to mend her fraught relationship with her father, navigating their relationship while contending with her roommate’s contrasting perspectives. They find themselves facing all the hilarious adult milestones they missed the first time around.
Along the way, Mike (Jay Wilkinson), Harry’s car wash employee and right-hand man, develops a crush on Desiree. Their flirtation evolves as the plot progresses. Desiree’s return and her true self shakes up the church and creates tension in her relationship with her closeted best friend and choir director Louis (DK Uzoukwu). Meanwhile, Louis’ mother Ella (Thelma Hopkins) and Harry’s flirtation deepens. Despite some hesitation, Desiree eventually encouraged Louis to live his truth. Harry playfully battles with his nemesis neighbor Miguel (Felipe Garcia), while making some surprising connections in the process. Desiree forms a strong bond with Mac’s enterprising young daughter Opal (Norah Murphy), who dreams of one day venturing out of Alabama like Desiree. Desiree thought her return would be temporary, but her return allowed her to put down new roots and realize there might be room for her in Mobile after all.
Created by Dan Evan, Laverne Cox and George Wallace, the series explores universal themes of everyday life through Norman Lear’s signature boundary-pushing comedy style.